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Zap for Google Analytics V4

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192 replies

Hi. Could you also add me to that list? I need  the ability to post custom events to GA4 as a step in a zap.

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @Vito M 


I’ve added your vote for this feature request. We’ll make sure to update via email once available. Thanks!


Same, this is mandatory for me and might even make me move to another solution than Zapier :(

Could you add my vote please? 

Userlevel 1

Is it possible to get a status update please? Do you have some sort of release date?

Userlevel 1

@codydukew You've been added to the report!

This is crucial, count my vote in :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I’m sorry to hear that, @Pierrot. I’ve added your vote which helps to increase its priority. We’ll let you know by email as soon as we have an update on this. :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for reaching out @Imbema!

I’ve added your vote to the feature request so you’ll be notified by email once it’s sorted! :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @donbarks!

I've gone ahead and added your vote for that feature. We'll let you know via email when that's been implemented. 

As for an ETA, I totally understand that you’d love to have an idea of when this might be resolved, and I really wish I could provide that. Unfortunately, there are a variety of factors that go into which bugs/features get addressed first, which makes an ETA super difficult.

Can I get an update as well on this? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thanks for reaching out, @jreidel! I’ve got your vote added and we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop via email with any updates once we have them. 🙂

Please add my vote too, it’s crucial here.

Also subscribed for updates

please add my vote to the feature request as well.

Please add my vote too. Would like to be kept in the loop.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @jammer.solijon can we please be added to the updates about this feature;

clients are getting the google prompt about the end of support for UA properties and theres migrations to be done.

You would think a request to get this added every 10-20 days for the last year would at least get Zapier to give us an actual update or timeline rather than the same blank response, we seriously need GA4 intergration ASAP.

As everyone has already said, most have already converted to GA4 and it’s looking like Zapier would rather become a digitial paperweight. For anyone else in the same boat as myself (and the hundreds before me) There are alternative Automation platforms that already support GA4, MAKE a decision on if it’s worth waiting around to the day UA shuts down and you realise your Zaps are now useless.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @NadiaWu94,

I’ve added your vote to the feature request too. We’ll contact you by email as soon as it’s added! :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @Forrest! Thanks for reaching out. I’ve got your vote added to that feature request. We’ll be in touch if and when this gets implemented. 🙂

Pls add our vote too and update when available. 

I’m not sure I understand. Google is cutting off the tracking of stats in 130 days meaning in order to get live statistics, we will be required to use GA4. This also means that once Zapier has an integration in production, everyone is going to have to rebuild all of their Zaps that connect to GA currently.

This is going to be a nightmare.

In any case, if this is still just a consideration and requires some sort of vote, add me to the voices.

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Hello @christina.d  please ad my vote as well.With Universal Analytics sunsetting next year everyone who uses who uses it should move to GA4 anyway.Hope this would be available soon inside Zapier.

Userlevel 1

This needs to happen quicker.


Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @MFav 

I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll notify you via email once available. Thanks!

Please add my vote for GA4 support in Zaps.