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Eventbrite data being forwarded as "info requested"

  • 23 November 2023
  • 56 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

We have been using eventbrite with zapier since a while and its providing great help to our business. We have been facing an issue recently; it is not happening to any of the particular event but in general zaps are not forwarding the correct data to our app sometime.

The current flow of the use case for our business is when some-one gets a ticket from eventbrite zapier forwards us the details of the individual; we have been receiving these details at an api end-point. The issue in particular is that we some time receive data in text as “info requested” for couple of fields. I am not sure about the root cause of problem as it looks like maybe zapier not able to retrieve eventbrite data correctly or forwards it correctly.

Looking for a quick fix or help on this. 



Best answer by SamB 31 May 2024, 11:56

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56 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I’m sorry we missed your replies here @turner59 and@nsheff!  

I’ve just checked on the bug report and it found another workaround has been added that you might want to give a try:

Add a Delay For (Delay by Zapier) action after the trigger, set to delay the Zap 3 minutes or more. Then add a Find Attendee by ID (Eventbrite) search action to retrieve the attendee details and if the custom questions and attendee details have been added, they will then be available as line items. To access the question:answer as separate fields you’d need to use a Formatter (Line item to Text) action to convert them.

Hope that helps! 🤞​​​


I wanted to give you an update, though it’s not the best news.

I found a workaround to locate attendee names and emails, which helped me get through the registration process. However, I’m now facing major issues in the reporting phase. Answers for the custom questions are missing—it’s blank! 

Our funder requires demographic information via Custom Questions, and its absence from the 61 “info requested” registrants is creating a significant gap in our report, potentially affecting our numbers.

Has anyone been able to locate the answers to the Custom Questions?

Thanks for your help!


In exactly the same position.

It looks like Custom Questions are getting passed through the new Attendee Updated trigger, but all as one object rather than individual fields. i.e. basically useless.


I wanted to give you an update, though it’s not the best news.

I found a workaround to locate attendee names and emails, which helped me get through the registration process. However, I’m now facing major issues in the reporting phase. Answers for the custom questions are missing—it’s blank! 

Our funder requires demographic information via Custom Questions, and its absence from the 61 “info requested” registrants is creating a significant gap in our report, potentially affecting our numbers.

Has anyone been able to locate the answers to the Custom Questions?

Thanks for your help!


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello everyone! 👋

@Danielle C - I’ve added you to the list of folks that are affected here. I can’t give any ETA’s on when it will be sorted, but you can expect an email notification from us once it’s sorted.
@jamesmacwhite - I’m so sorry to hear of the continued troubles with this. If you run into any issues in connecting an Eventbrite alternative app to Zapier please do reach out in the Community to let us know (in a new thread) and we’ll be happy to assist.

For now, our engineers have recommended the following workarounds to capture the missing attendee details from Eventbrite:

Users can work around this issue in two ways:

  1. Change the configuration of their Event's Order Form to require attendee details, or use the purchaser information as interim placeholder information for the attendees. Eventbrite Support should be able to help with specific guidance on this.
  2. Set up a second Zap which uses the "Updated Attendee" trigger. This will ensure that they are able to capture Attendee information when it is provided by the customer, as well as capture changes to that information if the customer updates it before the event (this is also a configurable setting in Eventbrite).

Hopefully those workarounds will help to get things up and running for everyone affected in the meantime. 🤞

Userlevel 2

@jamesmacwhite that’s really disappointing to hear… I’ve been wondering if that would happen to us, so the fact that it has for you is not a good sign. We’ve only had one small event since they “reverted” us, and I haven’t seen any info requested, but we also have not been getting very many registrations in the past couple weeks, so they may have just been ones that were randomly excluded from that.

Userlevel 3

I would like to update and report that despite Eventbrite saying they reverted us back to the previous checkout experience, we are still getting “info requested” on data on some recent events.

We will now be certainly moving away from Eventbrite, we no longer trust or have confidence in the platform.

I appreciate this thread and everyone’s input, thank you to all of you for helping clarify what the situation is and the background. My team has experienced the same issue and we couldn’t understand how a required answer could be by-passed and not answered. I’ve logged a ticket with support as well. 

Userlevel 1

Thanks, Sam, this is really helpful. Having thought I’d figured it out with various Zap flows, I’m still having problems because each time it hits an event that hasn’t had the new system implemented it just screws up the fields again for the next Zap run on the new form type! 

Along with a global Eventbrite crash earlier this week when it just lost orders in the Dashboard (but taken the bookers’ money!) I am pretty much done with them. 

If anyone has found a new alternative that they would recommend is working well for them (and which would work with lovely Zapier) then I’m all ears! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sorry to hear they’re not able to opt you out of the new checkout experience @SVBC.

I did some digging on this side and found that a new bug report has been opened for these ongoing issues. So I’ve gone ahead and everyone here that’s running into these issues with the new checkout experience to the bug report. I can’t make any promises as to when it may be resolved by but we’ll definitely notify you all as soon as it is, and we’ll be sure to share any updates in the thread here!

In the meantime, I’d suggest exploring some of the helpful workarounds folks have shared in the thread here. I’ll share some quick links to them here in case it’s helpful:

Also, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who’s shared their helpful insights suggestions in the thread here - it’s very much appreciated! 🤗

Hopefully these issues with the new checkout experience can be resolved soon! 

Userlevel 2

@SVBC Really? They said that they would opt you out and then walked it back? That’s not a good sign.

As far I can tell, they did opt us out. I haven’t see any more “Info Requested” registrants come in.

Did you email If not, try that out, they seem to know a bit more than the typical support agent. If you did, maybe try a whole new email chain and see if you get someone different.

You can mention that at least 3 people on this forum were opted out and were told that the product team was working on a way to opt out for everyone if they wanted to.

Userlevel 1

We tried to get opted out, were initially told that it would happen, then got an email saying that they could not would not do it. Subsequent attempts to communicate have been met with firm refusal to care. Their way or the highway seems to be their current stance.

Userlevel 1

Yes, I can confirm we were also granted being opted out from the new order form behaviour today as well. We too will monitor it, as like @zap500 mentioned, it is hard to test for random order selection behaviour.

The feedback does appear to be being received and thanks to everyone who’s directly contacted them to voice concerns and issues related to this new process, I’m sure the responses being made by Eventbrite are directly because of this.

Ultimately, I think if they deliver a configurable option on the Order Form that’s basically a choice of prioritising speed i.e. get tickets as soon as possible vs data collection, this strikes the balance across event organisers. In my personal opinion the mistake was not providing a way to opt out of this, and Eventbrite not being transparent about this new process. I hope they learn from this, but it’s a certainly thanks to voices of organisers making noise around this to get the resolution we have been after, so thanks to everyone!



This fills me with hope as I’ve still not found a suitable replacement for our business to eventbrite but every day the level of dissatisfaction with the new style grows. We are losing hundreds of leads for our business and hundreds of people booking are not being provided access to the event they’ve ordered.

I’ve asked to be opted out, pray for me folks.

Userlevel 3

Yes, I can confirm we were also granted being opted out from the new order form behaviour today as well. We too will monitor it, as like @zap500 mentioned, it is hard to test for random order selection behaviour.

The feedback does appear to be being received and thanks to everyone who’s directly contacted them to voice concerns and issues related to this new process, I’m sure the responses being made by Eventbrite are directly because of this.

Ultimately, I think if they deliver a configurable option on the Order Form that’s basically a choice of prioritising speed i.e. get tickets as soon as possible vs data collection, this strikes the balance across event organisers. In my personal opinion the mistake was not providing a way to opt out of this, and Eventbrite not being transparent about this new process. I hope they learn from this, but it’s a certainly thanks to voices of organisers making noise around this to get the resolution we have been after, so thanks to everyone!

Userlevel 2

Eventbrite has apparently just opted us out of this change! We don’t have commercial support and @jamesmacwhite told me they just opted his organization out as well and they don’t have commercial support either.

From the support agent:

“Yes, our product team is working on a way to opt users out of the new post-checkout experience due to the overwhelming feedback we have been receiving.

As I have already submitted your feedback, they have opted you out of this experience as of today.”

Sounds like everyone’s complaints have been working! If you want to be opted out and haven’t been yet, try following up on your case today. Or send an email to to ask to be opted out if you haven’t already.

So far, our forms seem like they are switched back, but it’s a little hard to tell since it was random before. I’ll have to keep an eye on it and see if we see any more Info Requested coming in later.

Userlevel 1

This is brilliant, thank you so much, it worked perfectly. I’ve never delved into the API requests before, but you may have created a monster now 😆I can see myself going down the API rabbit hole to do much more!

Userlevel 2

@AlisonRJ We use the New Order trigger to get the order information separately and work with it. But, since it sounds like you need it in the same Zap, I think you’ll have to do an API request.

Add another Eventbrite step, choose API Request (Beta) as the action.

Refer to the Eventbrite API documentation:

To get the Order information, use the link they show in the documentation and put it in the URL field in Zapier: (replace order_id with the field from the triggering event with the order Id number). Note that the ending slash is important, you get an error without it.

You shouldn’t need any of the other fields besides URL. Zapier handles the authentication for you since you’ve already connected your Eventbrite account.

Once you test, you should see the order data and you can use it later in the Zap. The field names will start with Response Data (so Response Data First Name, Response Data Last Name, etc).

Userlevel 1

Just had a ‘fun’ few minutes reading the string of this conversation, as I suddenly noticed this ‘info requested’ field data coming through this morning. 

I’ve switched some of my Zaps over to the ‘New Attendee Created’ trigger to try to solve this.
The information that we collect in the additional fields is crucial as it collects the attendee names (which is sometimes different from the Booker) and also dietary requirement and LinkedIn profiles which are key to prep before the event itself. 

In relation to how the data is brought through in the ‘New Attended Created’ trigger into Zapier, has anyone found that the buyer data comes through with the attended data as well? I can’t seem to find the field that features the buyer’s details and I need to bring through both buyer and attendee info at the same time. 

Any thoughts much appreciated. 

Userlevel 2

@luckylou If you read the support response that @jamesmacwhite received a few days ago, you’ll see that the Eventbrite support agent is still calling it an experiment. You are correct that their blog and article don’t say that, but I feel that’s just another example on Eventbrite’s inconsistent messaging on new changes.

The fact that it is only rolled out for orders at random (and not for all yet) indicates to me that they are still testing (regardless of what their article says). I myself have seen both behaviors (required questions before and after payment) on the same event form with the same settings without additional terms questions.

However, that’s great news that you shared from your contact with support that they are working on a way for people to opt in/out of this change. That would be a great improvement and hopefully they fast track it because of the number of complaints. I am a little concerned that they specified “ticket buyers,” since we have required questions we need on individual attendees, but hopefully they are including that and just saying ticket buyers as a shorthand. Thanks for sharing!

Userlevel 1

A couple things:

People keep calling this an “experiment” as if it’s ongoing. The experiment is already over.

As of November 2023 the decision was made to change to the new, flawed system. The blog post clearly states this, and so does their article.

We recently ran a series of experiments where we moved the order form to after payment. Through this work, we saw conversion rates nearly doubled. As a result, we’re moving all order forms including those with custom questions to after payment, with the exception of additional terms and conditions, which will still appear before payment.

More importantly, I got this response from Eventbrite support yesterday, April 18, which indicates to me that we will indeed have a universal option to switch when the custom questions are asked:

To give you transparency, the Product Improvement team is already working to give organizers an option if they want their order form for their event to be answered first by the ticket buyers before they can secure their tickets. 


I’ve made a Zap to manage the data I manually import and parse from Eventbrite every few days so I can get some data in the meantime, because as slow as Eventbrite support runs it should be a few months before we see this requested change in the interface.

Userlevel 1


Eventbrite Customer Success believes that we’re being affected by a bug which is randomly taking some of our orders through the new checkout process and therefore not collecting our required fields, despite the fact that our account is marked for commercial and should be exempted. 

@jamesmacwhite what they’re saying may be true. We are not technically under contract yet. We were negotiating our contract when all of this was discovered. So those under pre-existing commercial agreements may indeed have been exempted. However, even if that is the case, Eventbrite has been quite clear that they are unable to guarantee that this change won’t be forced upon us at a later date, even if we do sign a commercial agreement. 

@TheCNM we are looking at several replacements. looks like an interesting candidate for an actual EB replacement. Let us know if you find others.

Userlevel 3

From the dialogue I have had with Eventbrite support, this may provide some further insight into how this “experiment” is working. This is in reference to your previous post @ModularJack around different support related to commercial clients. I’ve omitted the support representative’s details for privacy.

Hi James,

Creators that have contracts with us haven't yet been included in the post-checkout order form experiment, so I wonder if that's what's going on with your friend. If the creator was included in the beginning, that was likely unintended and the team likely corrected that. For context, creators with contracts have connections to the Commercial Team from when they established their contracts.  

I haven't heard of any self-sign on creators being omitted from the experiment, so I'm highly doubtful that the team will consider it, but nonetheless, I have asked the product team if there would be any room for negotiation. I'm awaiting a response from them, so as soon as I hear back, I will be in touch. 

Again, I apologize for this situation, and I hope that this appeal to the team will work, but I can't guarantee it. 

Thanks for your patience and cooperation. 


I am not holding out any hope for having this turned off, but we will be moving away from Eventbrite, that is for certain.

Again, to be clear this experiment appears to be possible to run on any order created through the checkout, regardless of the event it is attached to. Commercial clients aren’t meant to be selected in this as per the above response, but it makes it even worse for organisers, adding further inconsistencies to the checkout experience and data collection.

Userlevel 1

Update: We are still seeing the info requested issue at random. Eventbrite management has assured us that we would be excluded from this product update and the last 100 or so registrations went smoothly with no integration data issues. However, we had a registration last night where Info Requested came through our Zapier integrations.

This morning Eventbrite Customer Success is on the case and saying they believe this may be a bug happening at random. They confirmed that we’re supposed to be excluded from the “optimized” checkout process.

We feel for all of you guys. Eventbrite is/was a bit clueless about the impact of this change. If you’re experiencing issues please let Eventbrite know. They did mess up, but contacting them helps them understand and makes it more likely that this gets resolved in a good way for everyone.

@turner59 that’s great info that even Eventbrite doesn’t seem to know or at least didn’t share with us. We were told that they collected name and email but didn’t know where to find that data as it wasn’t shown in the order data. 

@TheCNM make sure you let Eventbrite know how you feel. They’re trying to figure it out, As @jamesmacwhite said, email them


Userlevel 3

After using Eventbrite + Zapier for exactly 10 years, we’re now forced to find an alternative supplier.  Eventbrite’s decision to change all users over to their “better checkout experience” has been disastrous for us.  It’s shameful. If anyone knows a good replacement please do let me know.

Make sure to provide your feedback to so they know this change is a disaster and needs pausing!

Userlevel 1

After using Eventbrite + Zapier for exactly 10 years, we’re now forced to find an alternative supplier.  Eventbrite’s decision to change all users over to their “better checkout experience” has been disastrous for us.  It’s shameful. If anyone knows a good replacement please do let me know.

I typically export registrants to zoom for virtual events and noticed this same issue.  I thought it was a glitch, until folks that registered emailed on the DAY OF THE EVENT that they had not received a registration information.  Uggh! 

I saw other solutions.  Here’s mine.

Here’s the workaround: 

Go to Event Reports > Attendee Summary Report > Export. 

Once downloaded scroll to columns K-M, there you will see buyers first name, last name, and email. 

Good luck! 
