We have a WordPress website using a Ninja Form form on our contact page. Does the Zapier add-on (when used with Ninja Form integration) give us the ability to have Ninja Form form submissions to come into our Monday.com account.
In order to turn a Zap ON, the Zap needs to be configured with at least 2 Zaps that have both been tested successfully.
Please reference this help article: https://zapier.com/help/troubleshoot/behavior/cant-turn-on-zap
Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured with the variables mapped between steps, thanks.
These Zap Runs don’t show Zaps that are using the Monday app.

Okay thanks. I wanted to rule that possible scenario out before moving forward on my configuration errors since basic communication with Monday seems to be functioning.
At this point it’s likely an issue with how you have the Zap configured.
The Zapier free plan is more about whether you’re able to turn the Zap ON.
I can do that but first I will say when I do a test message from my Ninja Form website form, I do have new activity over on Monday as a new item called ‘New Form Contact’, but no message details are included. Would that mean the free plan is sufficient and working and that I simply have something configured incorrectly in either Zapier or Monday?
Ninja Forms and Monday are NOT Premium Zap apps.
If you have a Zap with 2+ actions steps, then that will require a Zapier paid plan.
NOTE: You can configure and test a Zap with multiple Zap steps.
We’d need to see more screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to evaluate and advise more.
Still working on this but I wanted to ask if it’s possible a reason for my issues is due to the fact that I currently have the free Zapier plan rather at least the ‘Starter’ plan?
NOTE: Not sure creating a Subitem with the name of who submitted the form make sense.
Perhaps that should be a different field on the Item itself.
You may need to add additional fields in Monday for those to appear in the Zap editor. (refresh the Zap Editor after you do)
You can use static values, dynamic variables, or a combination in a field.
NOTE: As shown below would create a value that reads: NameDrew Shollmier
You likely don’t want the static “Name”, and if you did you’d likely want to add a space between the static value and mapped variable.
Help article about how to change the trigger test data: https://zapier.com/help/create/basics/change-the-test-data-in-your-zap-trigger
TIP: When in doubt, test it out and check the results in Monday, then adjust as necessary.

Is inputing the predefined values fine for this? In this case, it gives me values related to previous tests I have submitted as seen in the example below under ‘Subitem Name’.

Yes, required fields are the MIN number of fields need to make the Zap work, but only fields with values will be populated.
You can populate field values with static/hard coded values and/or dynamic mapped variables.
Okay, thank you. I figured only the fields noted as ‘required’ would be necessary for it to work.
You need to configure this section of the Zap action step to map variables from the trigger step by following this article: https://zapier.com/help/create/basics/set-up-your-zap-action#set-up-your-action
The only values set are the Board ID and the Item Name “New Form Submission”

Can you post screenshots from the Zap Editor that shows how you have each Zap step configured with the variables mapped from the trigger step to the action step? (see EXAMPLE below)
Based on the screenshot below, it appears you have a static, hard coded value for the Monday Item Name of “New Form Submission” and no other field values configured.


Here’s a help article about how to map variables between Zap steps: https://zapier.com/help/create/basics/set-up-your-zap-action#set-up-your-action

Can you post screenshots with your Monday step that shows the DATA IN and DATA OUT?

Can you post screenshots from the Zap Editor that shows how you have each Zap step configured with the variables mapped from the trigger step to the action step?
Sorry, still learning this. I created a new Ninja Forms > Monday Zap and the testing shows to be successful but the message details are not showing over at Monday.com.

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Try these Zap steps:

I’m not a Zapier expert but I assume Zapier is using the monday.com API and therefore you don’t have to do anything on the monday side of things. In Zapier you need to add the monday Zap and user there update module to update you monday board.
It looks like the Zaps are triggering successfully, but nothing comes through on Monday.

Trace the data flow…
Check your Zap Runs: https://zapier.com/app/history/
- Are the Zaps ON?
- Did the Zaps trigger? (if no, then issue is with Ninja Forms and/or the Zap trigger configuration)
- Did the Zaps trigger but have errors?
You should be able to have multiple items turned ON.
Seems like you should be using this one:

Make sure to review and follow this Zap help guide: https://zapier.com/help/doc/how-get-started-ninja-forms-zapier
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