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Approval by Zapier will be discontinued on February 28, 2023. If you’re using Approval by Zapier, you can still create approval steps in your Zaps using Zapier Tables and Zapier Interfaces. Request access to both apps through our Early Access Program.

Hi there!

So its my understanding that Approvals by Zapier is suppose to work for anyone with a link to the Approvals Inbox, regardless of them having a Zapier login. 

Currently however, whenever I send my inbox link to people on this particular project - they are all encountering a “Sign up for Zapier” screen instead of the inbox. 


Where they go if they are not me, logged in already. 



This is the inbox:

That’s good to know, @AppGuyAaron! Thanks for sharing Support’s response here, I’m sure it will be helpful to others in the Community too! :)

Okay, so Zapier customer support answered privately so posting here for anyone else who finds this to see. 


There are two buttons in the back end of the Approvals inbox. One is “Open Inbox” and the other is “Share Link”


If you happen to share the link from “Open Inbox”…. others will experience what I saw. Always use the “Share Link” button :)

Hi @AppGuyAaron 

Original Zapier Blog post about Approval mentions this: 

The Approval Inbox (where all your tasks pending your approval will wait) is a private, but shareable link — perfect for sharing with colleagues (even if they don't have a Zapier account!).


If true, not sure if it’s being impacted by the current Zapier issues:

Best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for clarification: