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authentication failed: Got 401 calling GET, triggering auth refresh.

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone,

I receive this error message when i try to make a Zap for Woocommerce.

Someone have the solution at this problem?

authentication failed: Got 401 calling GET, triggering auth refresh.



Best answer by steph.n 8 June 2020, 19:49

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34 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi @igabc!

You can try turning that function off while you connect to Zapier, and then once you’ve done that successfully you can re-enable it in WordPress. Can you see if that helps at all?

that’s how I found out that plugin was the problem.

Hi, just a courtesy message to say it worked after a few attempts. Thanks

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same issue and I think it may have to do with having 2FA using Wordfence plugin. What’s the best way to connect to wordpress and maintain connection when I use 2FA? Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @amita - Thanks for letting us know. I’ve gone ahead and escalated your ticket to our Support team for further assistance. Thanks for your patience!

Userlevel 1

I’m having the same issue, and yes, my admin dashboard URL ends in /wp-admin/.
Weirdly I can connect using the “Wordpress Legacy” app.

Does this have the same functionality as the normal Wordpress app? I wouldn’t know as I’ve never been able to connect with it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @timspencer - Thanks for writing in to us! I’m afraid the latest update was from our staff member, Liz. If you are still having troubles our Support team may be reached here. Sorry for the troubles!

Userlevel 7
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Check if your

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @igabc!

You can try turning that function off while you connect to Zapier, and then once you’ve done that successfully you can re-enable it in WordPress. Can you see if that helps at all?

We have the same issue and I believe that in our case, it’s because of the 2FA challenge. 


Zapier ought to develop an integration with an API key of some sort

Hi everyone,

Same error to me too… 

I have a product launch on Sunday, I absolutely need to automate the creation of user accounts between ThriveCart and Wordpress...

Yesterday everything was working fine during the first implementation, and today nothing works anymore... Thanks for helping me please!


“We hit an error adding your new account
authentication failed: Got 401 calling POST, triggering auth refresh.”


Can someone please help me out here?

 I am getting the exact same error and my dashboard url has ‘/wp-admin’ .




Hi there,


I have activated WP Zapier plugin successfully (after a few attempts) and now receiving the following error:

I have entered the details in the following manner per the on-screen instructions.

[WP user and pass]


authentication failed: request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND


Would really appreciate your support on this one, 



Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @jbienvenue 


I’ve added you to the list of affected users, We’ll update you via email once available. Thank you!

I am getting the exact same error message as seen in this post, 

Can someone please help me out? Trying to automate our onboarding process by creating this account for them automatically via our zap. 

Please help, thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @TSkot!

Thanks for confirming! Have a great weekend :)

Userlevel 1

Running into this same issue. Running WordPress with Plesk, Wordfence installed but disabled. Any definitive answers on how to resolve?



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Khalil Az ,

Thanks for reaching out!

Were you able to verify if your admin dashboard URL ends in /wp-admin/ and try using the non-beta version of the WordPress integration? If that doesn’t do the trick, our Support team is best suited to help here as they can look at your specific configuration to see what’s going on. You can contact them here: Zapier Support. 

Hi everyone,

I just got the same error trying to zap my wordpress, any solutions to try?


authentication failed: Got 401 calling POST, triggering auth refresh.


Tried deactivating plugins but no luck.


Kind regards

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @The Darl 

It’s been a while but we wanted to check back on this issue. I saw you were able to get in touch with Cameron and Nick from Zapier Support. We think the solution mentioned would be worth sharing to the rest of the community so here it is:

Thanks for following up about this and for the additional information about what you've tried. From the steps you've followed and the explanation of what worked, I think it's the way your WooCommerce instance is hosted as well that's causing the problem. Unfortuately this isn't something we can help with : / We can't see your VPS/Server setting and it's outside the scope of our knowledge/support.

You might get a hold of the person who set up the hosting for you or the hosting company itself?

Userlevel 1

Hi @igabc!

You can try turning that function off while you connect to Zapier, and then once you’ve done that successfully you can re-enable it in WordPress. Can you see if that helps at all?

that’s how I found out that plugin was the problem.


I’m using that plugin too, can you clarify for me? After you connected Zapier, then turned Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha back on, did zapier still remain connected?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Martint ,

Thanks for reaching out- sorry you are running into a 401 error here!

I see that you have reached out to Support on this issue which is perfect as they can dig into our logs and your specific Zap to help troubleshoot. They will be in touch just as soon as they can!

Please let us know if you have any additional questions- happy to help!

Hi out site is on and getting same error. Where do we start with fixing this problem?? Thank you!

Hi , I’m having the same issue here , does anyone found a solution yet ? Thanks 


I am getting same error while I am trying to connect to zapier. I don’t get any popup to allow or accept permissions. My account is an admin account and username, password is correct. what else do I need to do to make it functional. Please help me to connect to zap.


Userlevel 1

Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha” blocks Zapier connection