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Configuring Simple API Request for Help Scout

  • 21 January 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi there,


I am new to APIs and have very limited experience with them (and coding in general), but I am attempting to make an API request using Zapier’s Developer Platform.


I got past authentication but now I am struggling to effectively make an API request.


The error I am receiving is:

Invalid API Response: - Results must be an array

As per Zapier Documentation, I realize that I need to make sure the results are returned as an array.

I am uncertain of what I might add to the Code Editor to make that happen:

const options = {
url: '',
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bundle.authData.access_token}`,
'X-TYPES': bundle.inputData.types
params: {
'start': '2021-01-01T12:00:00Z',
'end': '2021-01-02T12:00:00Z',
'types': bundle.inputData.types

return z.request(options)
.then((response) => {
const results = response.json;

// You can do any parsing you need for results here before returning them

return results;



If anyone has any tips for a total beginner, I’d super appreciate a pointer in the right direction here!

This will help:


In your case, wrap results in array brackets in your return statement.  `return rresults];`


Anticipating the common next question: Make sure the object referenced by `results` contains a unique field called `id`.  If it doesn’t you can add one in code before returning, setting it to another value or concatenated values of the object to derive a unique identifier for the object.  There’s some other answers in this community that have examples of solving that problem.