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Updating customer in Shopify error: The app returned "not found"

  • 21 January 2022
  • 4 replies

Hello! I have a zap that triggers when a specific appointment type is scheduled in Acuity. When this appointment is scheduled, I want a tag to be added to the customer’s profile in Shopify. Seems really simple. I pull in the appointment data from acuity, add an action step to update customer in shopify. Under the “customer” field for the shopify action step, I add the email address of the customer from the Acuity trigger and manually add “VIP” as a tag. When I test, I get The app returned “Not Found.” I have verified this customer exists in shopify, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


I even tried a filter to find customer in shopify and then pulled the email from the found customer into the customer field to update, I get the same error. Thoughts?


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@jesse Yes! That worked perfectly. Thanks to you both for your help!

Hi @idealwellnesswa 

This field expects the internal Shopify Customer ID, instead of the email address.


Try using a Shopify Find Customer step first in your Zap.

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Yep, that was the issue. I didn’t realize it was wanting an ID vs email.


But now I realized that adding a tag erases any existing tags. Is it possible to just add a tag, not replace all?

Hey @idealwellnesswa! If you find the customer in Shopify, does it also return their tags? If so, you can map the “tags” from the “Find Customer Step” PLUS the new tag from Acuity into the “Tag” field within the “Update Customer action. I think that should get you what you’re needing here!