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Notion not updating existing item rows

  • June 16, 2023
  • 1 reply


This post was split from the topic: date.equals should be defined, instead was `undefined`

Hi all here we go again :)

Today I made some changes on the Gsheets source file and actually I see a success zap run, but no evidence on the Notion DB :(

Below is the screenshot where you can see “Data in” and “Data out” where the status has been change from “closing” to “Sold”.

But on Asset DB nothing I see a duplicated row with 2 different previous statuses. See ID QU36.


I also changed ID46 but it doesn’t appear on zap runs yet.


I also noticed other duplicated raws and it reflects the tests I made yesterday trying changing some value


Any help from there? :)


Thx folks

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  • 7472 replies
  • June 19, 2023

Hi @omarbortolato!

I hope you don’t mind but I’ve moved your question into a new topic since it seemed to be regarding a different issue with the same Zap.

It looks like the ID that’s been selected isn’t the actual ID for the database item in Notion, it’s a different reference number of some kind. Instead of a value like “QU36” I’d expect to see a long ID number containing a series of letters and numbers in the Item field. Like the ID shown here for example:


My guess here is that the Update Database Item action isn’t able to find a match for the number that’s been supplied so it’s creating a new one, which is where you’re seeing a duplicate item being created in Notion.

In order for the Zap to be able to update an existing item in Notion you’d want to add a Find Database Item search action to look for the item using the reference number supplied by Google Sheets (e.g. QU36). Then in the Item field (on the Update Database Item action), select the ID field from that search action (as pictured in the screenshot above). That should help to get the Zap to update the existing item in Notion correctly. 

Hope that helps. Please do keep us in the loop on how that goes!