Best answer

Snov's email address does not match the test record, and multiple addresses were sent to me simultaneously.

  • 27 March 2024
  • 8 replies

Userlevel 1

I’m trying to create a simple Zap between and Kartra.

When a lead finishes a campaign in Snov, I want to add them to a list in Kartra.

The integration between the two apps seems to be working fine. However, the data - specificaly the email address - from Snov is not matching the record.

The test record has a single email address, but multiple email addresses are being sent simultaneously



, causing the zap to fail. 


Best answer by JPW 2 April 2024, 17:47

View original

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @JPW,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

It looks like the trigger returns multiple email addresses as a line item. Have you tried using Looping By Zapier for this?

You can learn more about Looping By Zapier here: 

Hopefully, this helps!

Userlevel 1

I will give that a try. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Cool! Please let me know if my suggestion worked @JPW!

Userlevel 1

No joy, unfortunately. It works when I Test, but when it’s live is reports missing field error messages. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @JPW,

Thanks for trying that out!

Could you please send a screenshot of the error you’re seeing? This is for me to dig deeper into the issue.


Userlevel 1

It ran all last week and only produced error messages. I deleted the error messages yesterday and this morning I woke up and it’s now running and working. No idea why as I did not change anything. Hopefully it will continue to do so, but if it stops, I’ll post the error here. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

That’s an amazing news @JPW! We’re glad to hear that the issue is now resolved!

Please don’t hesitate to chime back to this post if the Zap errors out once again.

Happy Zapping! ⚡️

I will give that a try too. I will interegrate api to qualify my prospect email addresses.

I want to preserve my email sender reputation so far.
