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Google Forms Error Quota Exceeded "Expensive Reads"

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we just started getting this error as well - no idea what it pertains to

Userlevel 7
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Hey there, @Cmueses - thanks for reaching out in community and great question!

Hmm, has this been an ongoing error you’re experiencing or was it a one-time occurence and then subsequent zap runs processed successfully?

The reason I ask is sometimes we will get errors like this when looking for new records that aren't an actual error with a specific task.
In this case the error you are seeing in that message is because we sent a request to check Google Forms for new items, and there was an error in response.

The good news here is that the next time we successfully poll Google Forms, we'll see all new records since the last successful poll, which it sounds like may have happened here. So unless this issue becomes more common this shouldn't present a direct issue for your Zap. All that said, this is usually temporary however if you do continue to run into this, while we don't have access to the Google side of things to see what's causing these limits to be reached, we can see if there is anything on the Zapier side that could be causing this (for example - lots of Zaps all with the same trigger looking at this form could potentially cause this).

I hope this helps and keep us posted if this becomes an ongoing issue. 🙂
