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I am trying to to autofill my Google Docs template custom placeholders but they just do not appear when trying to use “Create Document from Template”.

What am I doing wrong here?


Solved it!

Hi @JMR 

Good question.

Try this workaround.

Use the ‘custom’ option to put the static ID of the GDoc Template that is found in the browser URL.


Use the ‘custom’ option to put the static ID of the GDoc Template that is found in the browser URL.

Sorry, now I don’t understand. 🙈


Please clarify what part(s) you don’t understand.

If you paste the URL of the GDoc template here, then I can indicate the GDoc ID.

Help article about using the ‘custom’ option:

Hi @JMR! Thanks for letting us know you figured things out 😃 Would you mind sharing how you got things working in case someone has a similar question? Thanks!

I can’t cause it’s a bit embarrassing…. 😃 There was nothing wrong with anything, I just mixed my templates.

Ah, nothing to be embarrassed about, @JMR! We’ve all been there. 🙃 We’re just glad to hear you were able to sort it out. 🎉

To sum it up though in this particular case, the answer was a template mix up but some good troubleshooting steps to take as Troy pointed out are:

Useing] the ‘custom’ option to put the static ID of the GDoc Template that is found in the browser URL.

A solid read would to brush up on how to do this can be found here:


Thanks again for posting and being active in the Community!