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Is there a way to have the reply draft be in the same thread?

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Hello. I recently built a zap using this functionality and found that this issue still exists. Thank you for your help!

Userlevel 7
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Hi there @James976,

I have added you as another affected member to the bug report. We will let you know via email once the bug has been fixed.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Good afternoon,


I would like to be notified when this is fixed as well. I have a large zap that this would be very beneficial for. Thank you! 



Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @tcaudle2001 and @OliveiraHero 

I’ve added you both to the list of affected users, and we’ll  notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Jarred,

It looks like you are already added to the open bug report. While we can’t provide a timeframe on when this will get fixed. We will let you know via email or on this thread.

Thank you for your understanding.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @n12119,

I have added you as another affected member to the open bug report. We will keep you in the loop via email once the bug has been fixed.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi, could you please keep me updated about this feature as well.  


It’s pretty essential for using the recommended GPT-3 and Gmail Zap which has a ton of potential when this bug is resolved!

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @Drew Magliozzi 

I’ve added you to the list of affected user, and we’ll  notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.

This also affects a Zap I’m working on, please notify me as well when it’s fixed. Thanks so much!

@jammer.solijon please could I also be added

Userlevel 1

Amazing. Thank you.

please add me too.

Userlevel 7
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Hi there @Eric Hardek! You’ve been added to the list now, so you can expect an email notification from us as soon as it’s fixed. 🙂

Userlevel 7
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Of course @DJames! You’ve been added to the list of people being impacted by this so we’ll send you an update by email as soon as it’s resolved.

Userlevel 7
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Of course, @halle! 🙂

Sorry for the delay in a response here. I’ve added you to the list, so you’ll definitely receive an email notification from us the moment it’s fixed. 

I would please like to know when this is fixed as well. My main zap is affected by it.


I would like to be notified as well - thank you!

Hello, i’m facing the issue with my ZAP. Is there any solution to this yet? 

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @lulzman, @boberfeld 

I’ve added you both to the list of affected users, and we’ll  notify you via email once an update is readily available. Thanks.

I have the same issue — please could you notify me when this bug is fixed? Thanks
