How to automate adding labels to Trello cards based on ActiveCampaign list subscriptions in Zapier?

  • 21 February 2024
  • 17 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi folks, I’m trying to set up a Zap and running into some errors and need help from a more experienced person.


I have a Trello board called “Client Management” which has a card for each of my clients. The card title is the client full name. I use Labels to mark where that client is in their journey with me, including whether they are subscribed to my membership.


What I want from the Zap is this:

  • 1. When a contact subscribes to a certain list in ActiveCampaign
  • 2. Zap finds the card with that contact’s name in Trello
  • 3.  And a particular existing label is added to that card
  • 4.  Ideally also I’d add the step of removing some other labels too but that’s less important


I think I’m running into trouble in the “find the card” step.  I thought I got Trello to be able to find a card’s title based on the First & Last name fields in ActiveCampaign.  But I think maybe instead it got confused and is using the “test” contact to try to find that specific contact name’s card?  I’m just a bit confused.

Any help would be appreci​ated!  I can provide further screenshots if needed.



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17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there @Glyss, welcome to the Community! 👋

It sounds like in the Card Name field, on the Find Card search action, you’ve selecting fields containing the first and last name of the test contact that’s been pulled in as a test record from ActiveCampaign. Is that correct? 

If so, then it sounds like you’ve set it up correctly. When you test that Find Card action in the Zap editor it will use the name of the test contact to use as the search value. But when the Zap is switched on and running live it will search for the name of whatever new contact is added into ActiveCampaign. 

You can find out more about using search actions here: Search for existing data in Zaps

That said, if the Trello card’s name isn’t the contacts name then it’ll have some trouble locating the correct Trello card. Can you confirm whether the Trello cards are titled with the first and last names of contacts?

And can share a couple screenshots showing what fields and settings have been selected in the Action section of the Find Card and Add Label to Card actions? That’ll allow me to see the current setup of those Trello actions to double-check it’s all correct.

Also, wanted to mention that there’s a Remove Label from Card action available that you could use to remove any unwanted labels from the card.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

Userlevel 1

Hello, thankyou, yes that’s correct, that’s how I set it up.  And the cards in the Trello board are titled with the client names.


This is the issue I’m coming up against in the last steps of setting up the Zap.  I try to do a test and it fails.  I’m confused by it saying it has to “create a new label”; I don’t want a new label, I want the card to be tagged with the existing label.

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Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @Glyss,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

It looks like the issue here is on the “Card” field of the “Add Label to Card” action. The “Card” field looks for the Card ID. Could you please try removing the mapped data on that field and remap those with the Card ID from the 2nd step? Here’s what the Card ID should look like:

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Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Userlevel 1

Thankyou @ken.a .  I tried to follow your instructions, apologies if I’m just not getting this, but it’s still not working.  Here are some screenshots, I’d be grateful if you could help me further.a52ee86752105a8423486daa30aaa735.png
(view larger)fd780aed93af85079eeeb40db9c47d72.png
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Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Glyss,

Looking at your recent screenshots, it looks like you’re still using the incorrect data in the “Card” field of the “Add Label to Card” step. Could you please change the mapped data in the “Card” field to the Card ID from the 2nd step? 

(view larger)

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Userlevel 1

Thanks so much @ken.a  but I am so confused.  What am I supposed to type into the Card field?  In Step 2 the “Card Name” value is currently Activecampaign’s “Contact first name”.  I think previously I had selected both that and Contact Last Name… so I’ve just done that again, so for example in step 2 the example is “xxxx” and “xxxx”… and so in Step 3 I’ve selected the card “xxxx”… is this correct?  It’s still giving me the same error though...



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Glyss,

Currently you have the “Card” field mapped with the “Name” data. You have to map the Card ID from the “Find Card” step as a custom value to the “Card” field of the “Add Label to Card” action step. The Card ID should look like this: dec49187a4b2d8125a9dbd4aa356957b.png

You can learn more about mapping IDs as custom value here:

Hopefully, this helps.


Userlevel 1

@Ken.a AH I think I finally understood a bit better.  Thanks for being patient with me.


However, I think I am still doing something wrong.


In the 2nd step “Find Card”, after running the test, I copied the number that says “ID” at the top of the item data.  But there are a lot of things that say various kind of “ID” in that data.


I tried with that first ID, but the 3rd step test still failed.  Please see attached screenshots.




Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Your setup should be the correct one now @Glyss. Could you please try testing the “Add Label to Card” action step again and send me a screenshot of the error?


Userlevel 1

So now it says “that label is already on the card.”  So I removed the label from the card in question and tried again, and it worked.

Just to check with you though - this test was done with one specific contact card - when the Zap actually runs, it’ll do it for whoever the new contact is, right?

Userlevel 1

Ugghhh ok I can’t use this Zap anyway for now I just found out because it requires a Paid subscription haha. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi again, @Glyss! 🙂

Glad to see Ken was able to help you get that issue all figured out. 

Just to check with you though - this test was done with one specific contact card - when the Zap actually runs, it’ll do it for whoever the new contact is, right?

Yes that’s correct, when a field is mapped then whatever value is in that field when the Zap runs will be used. so whatever contact triggers the Zap, their details would be used int he subsequent actions of the Zap. It would only pass the same value each time if you hadn’t mapped a field. 

Ugghhh ok I can’t use this Zap anyway for now I just found out because it requires a Paid subscription haha. 

Ah, yes. Unfortunately, unless the ID for the Trello card was somehow stored in the contact’s details in ActiveCampaign then a Find Card action would be necessary in order to obtain the ID for the card.

Sorry about hitting a dead end on that. If anything changes on the capabilities of Free plans to allow them to handle multi-step Zaps we’ll be sure to get in touch. If there’s anything else we can help in the meantime, do let us know!

Userlevel 1

Really appreciate your help, thankyou.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

You are most welcome @Glyss!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗

Userlevel 1

Here’s a quick question - I realised that a client’s full name is in the screenshots I shared here. But I can’t figure out how to edit my posts to remove them.  If it’s not possible to edit the posts, could you please delete this whole thread so i can remove those images?  Thankyou.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Glyss,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I’m sorry if I didn’t notice soon enough. I have blurred the PII in the screenshots and in the messages.

Hopefully, this helps!

Userlevel 1

It was my fault!  Thankyou very much Ken.