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I’m trying to implement an integration, and I’m stuck on the Connection label (meaning, it doesn’t show up necessary information).


I’d like to extract data from JWT token I receive from OAuth provider and use it as the Connection label, but I found no documentation on this subject. Is it actually possible?


I think, requesting user additional information, in order to put it into the label, is clumsy, especially when we have params in tokens.

Best regards,

Alexander Mustafin

@sashker - Assuming the token is stored in authData.access_token and the connection label is set to {{username}} , try using the code snippet below in the authentication test function to parse the JWT token:

function parseJwt(token) {
const payload = Buffer.from(token.split(".")t1], "base64");
return JSON.parse(payload);

const userData = parseJwt(bundle.authDatat"access_token"]) // Assuming the token is stored in `access_token`. Calling this function would parse the token

return {
username: userData.username