
Clarification related to releasing new version

  • 5 January 2024
  • 4 replies


Hi there, 


I have fixed a bug related to the search action in our integration. If I release this bug fix, it will affect the existing Zap that has already been configured.

My question is, is there any way to release this without affecting the existing Zap?


Thanks in advance!

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4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hi @Nagamanickam,

Whether this change should be considered a patch or a major/minor change is largely up to you and your preferences. 

From your description, however, it sounds like this might be a breaking change, blocking migration, correct?

If so, that would most conventionally fit the “Major” description.

These resources might offer some insights on the scope of your change:

If you’d like further assistance, or help digging into the exact change’s impact, please feel free to reach out to the Platform Support team:

They’ll be able to discuss the change in more detail and help determine if it’s a breaking change or not.


HI Everyone,

I found the following topic in the Zapier documentation. I have a question regarding this.


In my case, I fixed a bug. This will affect the existing zap because I made a change to the returning payload. I want to release this without causing any issues to the existing system. So, should I use 'Major' or 'patch'?


Please tag this to right team who can answer .


Thanks in Advance

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hey @Nagamanickam, great question!

As long as you do NOT migrate users to the new version, their Zaps will remain on the current version. 

Assuming the app is public, you can still promote the new version to make it the default version for new Zaps and steps. Promotion alone will not update existing Zaps. 

Here’s a handy resource with links to more context on promotion vs. migration:


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Nagamanickam 

Seems like this should be posted in the Developer Zone: