Hi All,
We own a hospitality company and have a business partner which requires that all of our clients sign contracts prior to booking our property. The contracts must be sent on the arrival date so that their staff members can add them to the parking system on their arrival date and remove them on the departure date.
We collect the following information from the guest via a form which has a webhook which posts information to zapier:
First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Check-in date, check-out date.
This information is then used to populate a SignRequest template, which is signed by us. Once the document is signed, we use SMTP by Zapier to email the template to our partner on the day of the guest’s arrival.
The issue we are running into is that about 20% of the time, the zap will fail with the error “request has expired”.
Update: Screenshot of issue is below

I’ve tried looking through the forms and searching online for possible solutions, but can't seem to find a workaround for this issue. Any help is appreciated. I originally considered using a transactional email service, but can’t find one which allows us to include attachments in the email.