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I put my google image into the notion database after changing it to share permissions, but my buffer doesn't recognize this google image link URL.

notion can be called out, no problem

notion can be called out, no problem. 

But the buffer doesn't recognize this Google image link,, which is fine in this format


Could it be that the buffer only recognizes the xxx.png/jpg format?

Hi @Hmike1,

It looks like you’re running into a timeout error. 

When Zapier makes a request, we wait almost exactly 30 seconds for a response. If the app takes longer than 30 seconds to respond, we call it a "timeout" -- which is considered an error. Basically, we didn't hear back from this app in time to know whether or not our request was successful.  Some more info and possible solutions can be found here:

Additionally, the Buffer video upload has a 100MB file size limit via Zap, which means you can only upload files that are 100MB size maximum.

Hopefully, this helps!

There's still some mistakes.

Hi @Hmike1,

The reason why the video upload won’t work is because of the selected “Image” in the “Media” field. You might need to create a new Zap and select “Video” if you want to upload videos to buffer.

(view larger)

Hopefully, this helps!

image  test is ok is working,video not working,google drive video is a direct download URL .


Hi there @Hmike1,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

The “Image” field only accepts file objects or the direct download URL of the file. Direct download URLs is when you open the link it should start downloading immediately. More about sending fields via Zaps here:

Additionally, there are two ways to do this:

  1. By adding a Find File in Google Drive action.
  2. Or by converting the URL to a direct download URL:

Hopefully, this helps!

Google drive image sharing permissions are also fine
