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Why do apostrophes turn gibberish in my wordpress x fb page zap?

  • 12 August 2022
  • 2 replies

I’m testing my first zap ever and when it pushes to my facebook page, the Excerpt from Wordpress turns gibberish with <p> and apostrophes turn into numbers and symbols. I’ve checked blog post content and it all looks ok. I use elementor with wordpress. Is there something I’m missing please? TIA!



Best answer by Danvers 12 August 2022, 16:26

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2 replies

Ahhh that worked! Thank you so much! 

However, the test zap works but when i publish new posts, it doesn’t trigger and nothing happens on Facebook even thought the new posts are published on my website. What can I do? TIA!

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Hi @noobie!

It sounds like the information from Wordpress is coming in with html formatting, which Facebook can’t read properly so the post doesn’t look right. I can see that you’ve been in touch with the Support Team about this one and they were able to help you with the formatting.


If anyone else has a similar question, here’s how you can do this:

Add a  Formatter by Zapier step to the Zap (somewhere before the Facebook step) and choose Text > Remove HTML tags. It'll look like this:

 You'll want to map the 1. Excerpt Rendered field into the Input field, and the test step will allow you to see the results. You’ll see that the tags like <p> are no longer in the content from the post.

Then, use the output of the Formatter step in your Facebook step.