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Why do apostrophes turn gibberish in my wordpress x fb page zap?

  • 12 August 2022
  • 2 replies

I’m testing my first zap ever and when it pushes to my facebook page, the Excerpt from Wordpress turns gibberish with <p> and apostrophes turn into numbers and symbols. I’ve checked blog post content and it all looks ok. I use elementor with wordpress. Is there something I’m missing please? TIA!


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @noobie!

It sounds like the information from Wordpress is coming in with html formatting, which Facebook can’t read properly so the post doesn’t look right. I can see that you’ve been in touch with the Support Team about this one and they were able to help you with the formatting.


If anyone else has a similar question, here’s how you can do this:

Add a  Formatter by Zapier step to the Zap (somewhere before the Facebook step) and choose Text > Remove HTML tags. It'll look like this:

 You'll want to map the 1. Excerpt Rendered field into the Input field, and the test step will allow you to see the results. You’ll see that the tags like <p> are no longer in the content from the post.

Then, use the output of the Formatter step in your Facebook step. 



Ahhh that worked! Thank you so much! 

However, the test zap works but when i publish new posts, it doesn’t trigger and nothing happens on Facebook even thought the new posts are published on my website. What can I do? TIA!