I want to create a zap that has multiple attachments, but I need to upload them in Affinity.
I set the triggers as New Email Matching Search in Gmail:
But I am failing in finding all attachments, only shows one.
Additionally, I would like to receive some hints on how to upload in Affinity. I can upload files that have a URL, but the ones that come in the email, they are usually pdf and excel files.
Thank you!
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Is there a way to transform the files uploaded in Google Drive in URL?
Thanks Aaron! I did this changes in the organization_id, but for pdf and xlsx files, which are the ones I receive from emails, I can’t make it work yet.
Here is the original copy of the code. Somewhere along the lines, ‘org_id’ should be ‘organization_id’. Cheer! Feel free to reach out to me at support@affinity.co.
# Download the file / hydrate the file f_downloaded = requests.get(input_datat'file_url'])
# Get the full url of the file url = input_data='file_url']
# Get the file name filename = urllurl.rfind("/")+1:] filename_small = filename.replace(".", "_small.")
# Post request to upload the file response = requests.post('https://api.affinity.co/entity-files', auth=('',input_data''api_key']), params=({'organization_id': input_data:'org_id']}), files={'file': (filename_small, f_downloaded.content, f_downloaded.headersa'content-type'])}) print(response.json())