Best answer

Update email address on SugarCRM contact

  • 30 September 2022
  • 4 replies


I’m not able to update an email address on a SugarCRM contact.

Can someone help me?



Best answer by zaPino 11 October 2022, 11:19

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @zaPino 


We need a bit more details to be able to help you. You should use the SugarCRM action Update Record to update the desired data but what is your current setup and what are you trying to achieve? It always helps to have it in the form of When this Happens Do that



my final goal is to create/update a Contact from Hubspot.

I’ve been able to feed all fields except for email address.

That’s why my question: how to update the email field on a SugarCRM contact?

The available fields displayed by Zapier are not actually writing where it is needed, and the created Contact remains without email address.

Contacts in SugarCRM can have more than one email address. I believe this thing is not fully managed by Zapier.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @zaPino!

You said ‘The available fields displayed by Zapier are not actually writing where it is needed’ do you mean that there is an email address field in the Zap but it doesn’t go where you would expect it to when the contact is created? Or is there no email field at all?


For the Create Record action in Sugar CRM, Zapier pulls in the custom fields (any fields you have set) from the contact module, so email should be included. Could you share a screenshot of the SugarCRM step of your Zap so we can see how it’s set up? Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc).



We found the problem!

Elastic search was down on our server.

Now it is working! thanks anyway.
