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Unable to send automated Slack reminders 3 weeks before onboarding dates from Google Sheet

  • 2 August 2023
  • 1 reply


I have a list of onboarding dates in a Google Sheet and want to send out automated Slacks to send a reminder every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before that is 3 weeks out to provide a buffer. However, I’m having trouble with the scheduling component as it would let me add the Schedule by Zapier app towards the end. I might need to redo the whole Zap but having trouble on how to architect this.

An example of what I want is let’s say the date is August 21st. I want a reminder to go out that sends 3 weeks before, so on the week of July 31st on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It should be automated where it follows the same patter so if the next onboarding date is September 5th, the message get's sent out the week of August 14th.  

Happy to provide for context and appreciate anyone’s help in advance!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @camcooper 

Good question.

Here’s what I recommend…

Use Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable has Views.

Views can have Filters. (e.g. Date = Today)

Views can be used to trigger automations.

Airtable has native automations.

Airtable Automations have a native integration with Slack.
