
Unable to pull data from GrooveFunnels Legacy Optin

Userlevel 1

I am working on an integration of GrooveFunnel Form to Gmail Command. The problem is Zapier is not connecting pulling any form data from my index form which is can be seen here, which includes fields - name, email and message.

Not sure why but I already switch a couple of forms already and still having the same issue.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @irinasdecor, welcome to the Community! 🙂

It appears that you’ve also reached out to our Support team about this and they’ve responded with some follow up questions. There’s a bug that you might be running into here but they need some further information from you in order to determine whether or not that’s definitely the case. I’d recommend continuing the conversation with them over email so that they can investigate further.

Please do keep us updated on how you get on, keen to ensure you’re all set here! 

Userlevel 1

Unfortunately. Up until this point my issue with not pulling any data from Groovepage Forms is still not solved. Was waiting for the support answer but up until now, no luck.

Can you help me follow up on this matter? I need to fix this issue soon.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @irinasdecor - thanks for reaching out.

I double checked and it does appear you were added to the list of affected users report. While I don't have an ETA on a fix, this is the best way to stay informed as it ensures you'll be emailed at that time. In the interest of full transparency, the GrooveFunnels app is owned and maintained by a team of their developers. So while we’re happy to track impacted users ultimately a timeline for a fix is up to them.

All that being said, we'll be sure to keep the thread updated with any available workarounds or news.

Sorry to not have better news but we appreciate you raising this in community!
