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Unable to display images or attachments from Gmail in a Slack channel.

  • 1 August 2023
  • 9 replies

I’m looking for a way to display/attach an image from an email to GMail into a Slack Channel.

I have everything setup so far, but it is not displaying the image.   It just shows it as a file to download.   I used to have this working, but for some reason it is not anymore.  

It is showing the file but not the image:


Hi @joshloe 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to help us have more context.




This is the results:



The mapped variable is for all attachments, which may be a zip file.


You may want to try using this Zap trigger: Gmail - New Attachment


Thanks, I’ve changed this over to just the attached image file (there is only one file) and it does the same thing.  I’ve played around with this quite a bit.



Same result:



I tested and was able to get this PNG image to show in Slack.





This also worked:


That’s weird, I just added it as attach image by URL as well, I got the same results as previously



Try this…

Pull thru a fresh example in the Zap trigger.

The Attachment links are temp files that expire after some time.

That worked!  The link expired I guess, thank you!

Awesome! I’m glad Troy was able to help you resolve the issue @joshloe!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 😊
