I am trying to use the Zapier formatter to format Markdown as HTML. It properly makes the first bulleted list an unordered list using <li> tags, but then makes the rest of the lists into <em> which is an emphasis tag. I do not see any spacing issues and I have validated the markdown in multiple tools and it is valid and renders correctly.
I can correct the issue by making sure that the first line before each list of bullets is a ###. So for example, if I cut the “This breaks out like this per client:” out of the snip below, they will render as list items. As I understand it, my markdown is valid either way.
Markdown sample:
This is a status report for Jul 28 – Aug 4, 2023.
### Summary In the last week, we had 15 things.
* Marked as good: 14
* bad: 1
### Agent Summary As of today, we have 3 clients doing things
This breaks out like this per client:
* Client A: 19
* Client B: 25
* Client C: 97
<p>This is a status report for Jul 28 – Aug 4, 2023</p>
<h3>Summary In the last week, we had 15 things.</h3>
<ul> <li>Marked as good: 14</li>
<li>bad: 1</li> </ul>
<h3>Agent Summary</h3>
This breaks out like this per client:
<em> Client A: 19
</em> Client B: 25
<em> Client C: 97