Trouble with Zapier not triggering threaded responses in Slack despite using filters and validation.
Hi there I have been following these instructions but can’t seem to get this to work consistently. Any thoughts?
I set up a test channel and have a trigger for a new message. I then set up the filter and validation that the message is not a thread message. I then set up the filter per the instructions to only respond if it is a) a non thread message b) not a bot. Lastly, I think this is where the error comes in -- it won’t trigger a threaded response. Not sure why… any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Tried it -- works! Thanks @Troy Tessalone
Hi @jsinger11
Can you post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured to give us true context?
@Troy Tessalone here you go! Thanks for being engaged
The Thread value needs to be the Thread TS (not with time)
@Troy Tessalone I ajusted and it fired the zap to the message that is entered. However, when I tried typing a new message in slack nothing fired off in thread… thoughts? I want to make sure the same automated messaged goes anytime someone posts in this specific channel.
It almost seems like the new slack message doesn’t have a thread ts field -- that is only created when a message is sent to create a thread. The challenge is I don’t want to get on a loop.
When you see this in the DATA IN for a Zap Run step, it means the mapped variable was invalid or missing a value.
Perhaps take a different approach with the Filter and check if there is no Thread TS present.
That would indicate it’s a new message vs a message thread.