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Ticketleap API Integration Not Pulling Real Event Data in Trigger Test

  • 31 March 2023
  • 1 reply


I’ve trying to use Ticketleap API to add new orders to google sheets and then send out customized Confirmation email with more information (depends on the type of ticket). Below is my planned and intended sequence but I can’t get started setting it up because no matter how many times I put in an order, the trigger test is only pulling fake orders with values that don’t match my event. Has anyone had this issue with Ticketleap or any other integration and have a way to resolve it?

Ticketleap Private API “Get New Order” Trigger >» Google Sheets>» Paths>» Gmail 

Thank you!

Hi @leanneoperations 

The app integration you've asked about is currently private, which means the developers for the new integration may still be making changes, and the app is not available publicly yet. Because of this, we have extremely limited resources on the app and details of the integration.

To get the best help for your question, I recommend you reach out to the folks who gave you access to the integration and see if they can provide you with the necessary information.

You can learn more about private apps in this article from our Help Center: