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The selected checkbox values in Google Forms aren't generating data for Google Docs when editing the Zap.

We have set up a Zap so that when a Google Form is submitted, it generates a Google Doc with the results. One of the questions in the form is a series of checkboxes. However, when editing the Zap, the values of the selected checkboxes do not appear to be available as insertable data. 


For example, here is the checkbox question in the form:


If I then edit the Zap and search for an insertable data field using the word “formats”, nothing shows up.

Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?



Best answer by Troy Tessalone 22 June 2023, 22:52

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @RO_AD 

Good question.

Make sure to use a trigger test example that had all of the checkboxes checked.

How to change the trigger test data:

Thanks! That did the trick.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Awesome, thanks for keeping the thread updated, @RO_AD! Glad to hear you were able to get this working. 🎉
