Hi Rob,
Thanks for replying.
I have two other zaps that work with this funnel. I have tried several new zaps, tried reconnecting the Clickfunnel service. I am hesitant to use a copied funnel as this means I need to reconfigure many aspects of the funnel to make it operational (even for a zap test). I am also hesitant if I have two zaps already working within this funnel.
I’ve tried using a if/then statement (or Action) but using some other data. that didn’t work either.
A key point… When I run the test trigger, only 2 purchases come through (the first 2 I tested) even though I have tested over 10. Is there something else going on..?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Dom202020,
You should try the following steps:
- Create a new Zap: Clickfunnel trigger is an instant trigger and it creates a webhook, in some cases, this may not get registered on the Clickfunnel end. So create a new Zap and then add clickfunnel trigger.
- Reconnect your account: Reconnecting your account should solve this issue if it’s related to account.
- Double check your funnel: Make sure you have the right funnel selected in the trigger. If still doesn’t work, duplicate the funnel and select the duplicated funnel in zapier.