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I try to create a pdf out of an asana task and print in our warehouse. 


I create the pdf via and i can send it via mail but i am not able to get it printed. 
If i use the URL in ezeep it returns “ jobid” but nothing is printed. I tested the ezeep software via the website it the printer worked. Has anyone an advise how to print the pdf? 

The printer are connected to an window server. 

@Fabian von Kannen 

That’s the only one I know of with a Zap app.

You can check these other Printing Zap apps:

Ok I’ll try. Are there any other solutions you prefer for printing pdfs on a local printer?

@Fabian von Kannen

You may need to try to reach out to ezeep Blue Support for help troubleshooting.


Error 404 is a client-side issue indicating the requested URL can't be found on the server.
It may occur because of several reasons, such as the domain is not pointed correctly, a broken .htaccess file, or misconfigured file permissions.




@Fabian von Kannen 

Can you post screenshots with how all the other fields of the Zap step 4 are configured?

The url is public accessible and downloads a pdf file. 

Now i get 

Failed to create a file in ezeep Blue printing

The app returned "404".

@Fabian von Kannen 

The URL needs to be a publicly accessible direct download link.

You can check by copy/paste into a browser to see if it starts a file download.

The URL may expire, so make sure to retest step 3 and then test step 4.




I think the problem is the “File Reference”


i attach a screenshot


Hi @Fabian von Kannen 

Good question.

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

