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I created a ZAP so that when I create an activity on Mojo (appointment, task, follow up call) it will create a detailed event on my Google Calendar.

The Zap works great for the appointments and follow up calls, BUT when I create a TASK it populates on my Google calendar on the day BEFORE at 10pm. 


For example: If on Mojo I create a task: send out calendar on August 5, 2023. It will create the Google Calendar Event for August 4, 2023 at 10pm. 


How can I get it to create the task for the same day as my mojo, without adding +Xhours/days - since I am using the same Zap I dont want it to affect the Appointments & follow up calls since those are TIME sensitive. 

Hi @AliKRE 

Good question.

GCal help articles to reference:

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

No problem - see attached. 

The issues comes up with I create a TASK (not appointment or follow up call) on Mojo - im not sure if its because there is not “time” slot when saving that particular activity (sample also attached).


The screenshots don’t show how the Start/End Time fields are configured.

NOTE: The way the variables are mapped with create concatenated text, so you’ll have to add spaces/line breaks between.