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I need to push email data from facebook ads mess (when customer send) to Keap.

I created and installed zap according to the instructions.

But, I have not seen any emails pushed to Keap. I have checked and see the error message as shown below.

I really don't understand what this error is. Data out:


Now then, what should I do?

Hey @dunghoangnb! It looks like you were able to contact our support team regarding the issues you’re running into here and they responded with:

I have taken a peek at your Zap, and it appears that the field Keap is expecting to see is "Email," but Facebook is sending the email under a different field. 
You can see this here: 

To fix this issue, you can edit your Zap and Load in a recent sample by heading to your trigger step, selecting the double arrows, and clicking on "Load More." 

You will then need to select one of the recent samples and proceed to the second step of your Zap to ensure the proper field is mapped. 
Please re-publish your Zap and see if that corrects the issue.

I am going to assume this did the trick as we haven’t heard from you in a few days but if not, just let us know and we’d be happy to continue troubleshooting this one with you!


Try checking your Zap History for that zap and looking at the data out from the trigger step. You may need to do some pill mapping if the sample data returned from the trigger doesn't match the live data.