I am trying to create a pretty complex zap using loops to generate sections of a complex blog post which im having written section at a time, added to digest, and then after a filter, relased to WP.

I’ve tried this with paths and was getting poor results for various reasons (path a was last iteration, B first iteration, and path C any sections beween 2 and second to last section. As you can see, that kept not running right.

So anyways i took away the paths and combined paths b and c and just added a filter to only pass on to last steps on final run of the loop.
That final run should be = to the number of sections i have. This would not be the first section or =1. Since these are more complex posts, I anticipate there will be at least 2 secitoins, so therefor the iteration shouldnt be = to 2 either. And just as balance I know the number of Count in DIgest will go up as sections are added, so i made “count must = total sectons”.
**please note #21 is actually “FInd digest”, not append digest

The arrow is covering it up, but it says Loop Iteration start at 1.

I still cant understand what is going wrong, but perhaps im misunderstanding how to use the Looping function correctly. Can anyone please assist?