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so I’m having another problem when creating the QB invoice. for the product/service it’s choosing Credit 1 instead of matching the product of the opportunity in SF.

example -

1 - here is my opportunity in SF (that has become a sale) - its for lapel pins

2 -  here is where its mapped in Zapier

3 - if I run a test the product does match (it always chooses credit 1) and that also seems to be adding a 1 in front of the quantity. the quantity for this opp is 200 not 1200 -  Also there is no rate (if i create manually with quantity and price QB will calc. and populate the rate)

Help fixing these 3 items would be much appreciated!

Hey @PinMaker! If the rate isn’t being calculated by Quickbooks, you might try adding a formatter step beforehand to do a calculation of the rate using the price and quantity fields, and then use that result in the “rate” field. Does that sound like something that might work for you?

Hi @PinMaker 

Good question.

The Product/Service field expects a number, which is the internal QBO ID for the Product/Service, as indicated by the 123 next to the field label.


You may need to add these Zap steps:



Also, your Quantity field has a static 1 before the mapped variable, that you should probably remove.


And, in your example the Amount, which is required, has “No data” for the mapped variable.

Make sure to choose a record from Salesforce that has these values populated.

Help article to change your trigger test data:


Thank you.

Firstly I didn't see the static “1” - that was easy fix :-)

I added find product in QB (step 4) - and that worked - thank you :-)

Lastly - it still does not populate the Rate field - any suggestions (usually an automatic calculation in QB)



We’d need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to have context, thanks.


I left the rate field blank as its usually calcualted

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Rate field is empty, perhaps that’s why.


I left it blank on purpose as QB usually calculates that (if I enter the quantity and price) when I create an invoice manually


Have you tested with a value populated in that field to see if the Rate populates into QBO?



@Troy Tessalone I don't have a rate field on SF opportunity to pass through (I could create one, but seems unnecessary when QB has the functionality built in).

I pass quantity & Amount - rate should be auto calculated/populated by QB i believe