
Hubspot - Company has multiple contacts and each contact has owner, Error

My Zap is working as followed -


  1. Find Company in Hubspot
  1. Find associations
  1. Find Contacts
  1. Find Owner of contacts


My problem is that sometimes a company will have multiple contacts and those contacts can have the same or multiple contact owners. When I pass the record IDs to find contacts I'm getting an error. I believe it's because it's searching with multiple record ID’s at once. ie (1234567, 987654). I thought I could use looping but that also was giving me an error. 


How can I search one at a time? 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @asilver 

Good question.

Try adding a Looping step to handle 1+ line items:

Hi @asilver 

Good question.

Try adding a Looping step to handle 1+ line items:

Thanks for the reply! When I try this I’m able to successfully separate the two results however when I test the search in the following step I only get back 1 search result rather than both. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


