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I am hoping to pull survey data from multiple SurveyMonkey surveys and append new survey results to the same Worksheet.

Example Survey Results:


When I test, I get this (not all fields visible):


But this shows up in my Excel Table:



Hi @LongBeachSteve 

Good question.

Make sure to first review the available help articles for using Excel in Zaps:


The way you have the variables from SurveyMonkey mapped is all together in 1 field w/o any spaces, which is why it shows in your Excel file as a concatenated blob of data.


I only added them to that field so you could see all the fields I have access to.  There should be a field for the response of each survey question, but only two of the multiple choice questions appear.  The slider and drop down question data doesn’t appear.  How can I get the data for these SurveyMonkey responses?


Some Fields Not Appearing

Do your fields have exactly the same name?
If you have more than one question that is exactly the same, we will only see one of those.
To resolve this you will need to make sure all of your questions on your survey are unique.
If they are and you are still having some trouble, please don't hesitate to get in touch, we're happy to help!

All of my questions are unique:  


Q1) Select your current workspace.
Q2) How would you rate the functionality and ergonomics of the spot you usually sit at in this room compared to the average workspace you have used in the past?    
Q3) How much better or worse is your understanding of workplace policies for use of this space compared to your typical previous experience?    
Q4) How easily could you find people and resources, and understand how to use the spaces provided?    
Q5) How much better or worse is the ambient environment (air quality, noise level, lighting) of this space, compared to the average workspace you have experienced.    
Q6) How much better or worse does this space support your collaboration compared to previous spaces like this you have used.    
Q7) How much better or worse are the aesthetics and branding of this space compared to the average space you have experienced.    
Q8) I would recommend this company to a friend.                    
Q9) I am able to focus on tasks while working in this space.                    


I'm getting an error telling me I need to upgrade my Survey Monkey plan to an annual subscription.

The "New Response Notification with Answers" trigger will require you to have any Annual paid plan with Survey Monkey.
This includes the Standard Annual, Advantage and Premier plan, which are all annual subscription plans that Survey Monkey offer.
This information can be found here:

The only paid plan that doesn't work with Zapier integrations is their Standard Monthly plan, which is their only monthly subscription plan.


Otherwise, best to open a ticket with Zapier Support for further assistance:

Hey @LongBeachSteve! It looks like you were able to open a ticket with our support team, who replied and asked for the following information: 

  • Screenshot of how the questions are configured in SurveyMonkey
  • Screenshot of the recorded responses from SurveyMonkey

If you follow back up on that email thread, our team can help get to the bottom of those missing fields for you. We’ll be keeping an eye on things from afar but please do come back to this thread to share any insights/solutions you gather! I know others experiencing similar issues will benefit from what you have to share. 🙂
