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Hi everyone, 

I’m a new Zapier user and trying to create a Zap where I get notified via gmail every time that someone new fills out my form (I created it using

This is a pretty simple 2-step flow but I keep encountering this error message and I’m not sure why:

Failed to create a send email in Gmail

Header values can't contain newlines (got '\n' for header 'To')

All I’m doing is inserting my email in the To line. Do I need to use a different value there?


Thanks in advance for your help! :)


That’s brilliant news @speekie! Thanks so much for taking the time to come back here to confirm it’s working, it’s much appreciated! 

Seems like you’re all set for now but please do hop back in the Community if you need help with your Zaps again - we’re always here and happy to assist! 🤗 

I think it works now, thank you very much for your help!


Try testing again.

If the error persists, please post updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with the encountered error.

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Thanks for getting back to me Troy!

I tried doing that (see attached) and still get the same error :( 

Am I doing this correctly?



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Hi @speekie 

Good question.

Remove the line break after the email address.