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Hi All,


We’re encountering a weird problem that’s completely new to us with our integration flow.

Quick background:
1. users submit a google form response
2. zapier pulls the information from the gsheet that the gform results populate
3. zapier then creates a JIRA issue with a bunch of fields autofilled with the various gsheet information saved
4. the responses are pure text with no other media/content/etc


This has worked for several months with no to minimal changes, which all test successfully and the changes just being what text is populating which fields.


Recently, one of our most important zaps (of which there are multiple variations that do the same thing from other form responses and all still work except for this one) consistently failed to run with the error message

Unable to create issue: {"summary":"The summary is invalid because it contains newline characters."}


Unfortunately, there’s little to no documentation around this issue. I changed up the Summary field character amount, removed any “new” special characters which were added in the most recent tweak prior to the automation breaking, but it still refuses to budge and with the same error message.

So for the question:
What am I missing here?

Has anyone else received the same kind of error?

Hi @Its The Interns I Swear

Can you share a screenshot of the Zap history showing what contents are you pushing you into Jira so that it’s understandable what is causing the issue? It looks like the content your sending (probably in the subject line) contains a line-break character.

I just wanted to follow up here to suggest using a Formatter step to ensure that any newline characters (\n) are removed from the Summary text that is added to the Jira issue.

Formatter (Text > Replace) action could be set up to find any newline characters and replace them with nothing (leaving the Replace field blank would remove them). Then you’d select the output from that Formatter action in the Jira Create Issue action. We have a guide that talks about using Formatter to modify text here: Modify text formats in Zaps