Hi there @Shane Northbridge,
I did some digging into this, and it seems like the SiteDocs app is not yet a supported app:

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Have you received an invite to use the SiteDocs integration? If so, if the integration has an "Invite Only" tag. This means the developers for the new integration may still be making changes and the app is not available publicly yet - only privately. Because of this, we here at Zapier have extremely limited resources on the app and on the details of the integration.
To get the best help for your question, I recommend you reach out to the folks who gave you access to the integration and see if they can provide you with the information you're looking for.
Hopefully, this helps! 
Thank you Ken,
I got an invite and followed the steps and prompts.
I am also reaching out to the team at Sitedocs.
Much appreciated.
Hi @Shane Northbridge,
You are most welcome! I’m glad I was able to point you to the right direction.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the Community. We’re always happy to help!