Hi everyone,
We have been using eventbrite with zapier since a while and its providing great help to our business. We have been facing an issue recently; it is not happening to any of the particular event but in general zaps are not forwarding the correct data to our app sometime.
The current flow of the use case for our business is when some-one gets a ticket from eventbrite zapier forwards us the details of the individual; we have been receiving these details at an api end-point. The issue in particular is that we some time receive data in text as “info requested” for couple of fields. I am not sure about the root cause of problem as it looks like maybe zapier not able to retrieve eventbrite data correctly or forwards it correctly.
Looking for a quick fix or help on this.
Good question.
We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured along with specific examples of the DATA IN/OUT from your Zap Runs.
Hi Troy,
Please see attached screenshot for data in.

As I told you that it is sending the data to an api endpoint so the
data out is just a statement of completion of process.
The main issue lies in sending the data as you can see it is forwarding details as “Info Requested”
Can you post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured?
We have just started getting the same issue in the last week or two - Eventbrite registrations are coming thru with “info requested” in the name and email fields. Also the fields marked as mandatory on the Eventbrite registration page (such as Company) are coming in as blank so our Zap integration logic isn’t handling these appropriately because the logic is built on the assumption that Company is populated.
You may want to reach out to Eventbrite Support and Zapier Support: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
Hi there,
This happens when one person orders multiple tickets and does not fill in the contact information for each ticket holder. Unfortunately, Eventbrite only requires the information for the ticket purchaser and requests the info for additional holders. Took me a while to find this on an Eventbrite support page. I’m not sure if there is any way to require the information.
Hi there
I did some digging into this and I've discovered that the problem is a known issue that's come up for a few of our users. This likely has to do with this experiment that Eventbrite is currently running where users can fill out a form after buying a ticket.
While a workaround isn't available, your notification is helpful, and we've proactively added your email to our issue report. I'm afraid I can’t provide an ETA for when this issue might be resolved because prioritization is largely dependent on the number of customers affected. You'll be the first to know via email when there's a resolution.
Hopefully, this helps.
I am running into this same issue, so annoying! Please keep us posted when/if you have a fix. Thank you!
Also, I just unchecked this box on the Order Form settings to see if that would help:
Allow attendees to edit information after registration
Offer your attendees the ability to edit the contact information after purchase
I *think* that unchecking that box worked. When I tried to register without filling in the form, it wouldn’t let me.
UPDATE - nope, didn’t work. :-(
Hi there
It looks like our Support Team has added your contact information to the bug report, and I apologize if the workaround you found did not work.
For now, the best plan is to hang tight while our team tackles the bug. However, we don't have an ETA for the fix. As soon as everything's sorted, we'll drop you an email to let you know.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Hi folks,
Popping by to share that this issue has now been marked as resolved!
There’s a new Updated Attendee trigger available that will run whenever an individual event attendee is updated in Eventbrite. And should allow the necessary attendee details to be pulled through more consistently.
Hope that helps. If you run into any issues in using that new trigger please let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping!
I just tried it but am still seeing the same behavior. I tried updating the Zap with the new trigger but it didn’t seem to work. :-(
Hi folks,
Popping by to share that this issue has now been marked as resolved!
There’s a new Updated Attendee trigger available that will run whenever an individual event attendee is updated in Eventbrite. And should allow the necessary attendee details to be pulled through more consistently.
Hope that helps. If you run into any issues in using that new trigger please let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping!
Hi Guys it did not work :((((
I’m so sorry to hear that the new Updated Attendee trigger didn’t solve things for you here,
I’d recommend getting in touch with our Support team so that they can look into this further. They’ll be able to re-open the previous bug report or open a new one as necessary. You can contact them via the form here: https://zapier.com/app/get-help
Please do keep us updated on how you get on with them. Keen to ensure this gets sorted!
We tried to get around this by adding a delay (allowing time for data to be entered) but Zapier has already received the temporary data and continues to use that in the reast of the workflow.
If there was a way to make zapier recheck the Order and take the new information after the delay that may work
After a Delay step, you would need to add a step to pull fresh data from an app.
Available Zap actions for Eventbrite.

We’ve managed to get this working now, so sharing the workflow as it may help others.
The Updated Attendee trigger only provides attendee info and no event info, so of limited value.
We have added a delay followed by Find Attendee to then get the correct information for the attendee - a bit clunky, and means we also needed to update all the following actions to pull personal data from step 3 and event data from step 1.

I solved this by switching to “ticket buyer” in the Eventbrite “Order Form” settings. First couple of tests worked. Previously (and I think by default), the Order Form was set to “Each Attendee.”

Sorry we missed your posts here previously,
Just wanted to reach out here to say thank you! We really appreciate you both taking the time to share these solutions with the Community so that others can benefit from your experiences.
Thanks so much for helping the Community!
I can’t believe Eventbrite would push out an "experiment” that totally breaks lots of expected functionality.
My simple two-step zap to send registration data to a Google Sheet now brings in only "info requested", as others have found. Even the name and email fields say “info requested” - how can that even happen, if name and email are on same page as the registration form, and are required to press it and therefore trigger the zap?
Switching to per-buyer billing from per-attendee billing seems to have resolved it for name and email fields - but our events are restricted to one ticket per person max anyway, so why was it even an issue?
As for the custom fields data which is important to us, I now need a second multistep zap using the Update attendee trigger to find the relevant row in the Sheet by order ID and update what the first zap put there.
Why is Eventbrite treating its users like beta testers, unleashing “experiments” that break basic expected functionality? What's the point of having required fields if attendees can register without providing the data anyway?
The amount of zaps required to copy seven fields of data into a sheet has tripled, for each of our thousands of attendees a year. And now I have to work out how to correct hundreds of rows of duff “Info Requested” and nulls.
This just seems a bizarre way to treat users.
As a customer of Eventbrite also we are also not impressed with such breaking changes either. They have been continually messing with the order/checkout process and without warning seem to be A/B testing this on events at will. The last change around optional questions required adapting our Zapier process to fetch attendee details after a set delay to ensure optional question data could be obtained given the new screen and the create attendee event in Eventbrite being fired on the ticket creation which is before that screen. Given this was for optional questions this was bearable and for the most part works well.
With this new process, any questions (including mandatory) are now not even possible to obtain on a create attendee event, given Eventbrite now sends “Info requested” on first name, last name and for email is copies the email provided on the initial stage. The info requested process is also frankly a massive problem for third party integrations, given that’s the data that’s now being provided to any integration. So now we have to check for the value being this to present junk data being sent to other systems.
If an organiser has mandatory questions set, they should be provided BEFORE tickets are created. Chances are if a question has been deemed important for a business, that’s why it has been set as mandatory after all.
This new checkout process requires a whole re-think and will need multiple additional tasks, likely with custom API calls specifically for obtaining attendee data fetching. There is also a further process given any question (even mandatory) can be bypassed and not filled out at all. Eventbrite now has a new process which sends a reminder email to fill in details to the main buyer email, this would also need a Zapier process and a different event to pick up this information i.e. attendee updated.
Overall Eventbrite clearly do not care about their integration partners and will continue to mess with their platform to increase tickets and orders without caring about what organisers actually need. There has been no consultation or opt-in. It’s get A/B tested and live with it. Even on their FAQ they state you cannot revert, suggests others have asked the question already for it to be an FAQ.
I wish Eventbrite would reconsider this change as it’s really disruptive to many organisers. I feel for Zapier as well, because they are going to have to deal with all the broken Zap processes because of this and it’s not their doing.
I just spoke with Eventbrite about this issue and have an update for those affected by it:
We have run this up the chain with Eventbrite management. As most here know, this “info requested” issue is part of a breaking product change that was conceived last year and went live more broadly within the last month.
It’s important to note that this Info Requested issue isn’t just a delay that can be fixed by pausing integrations. The new checkout process allows tickets to be purchased and the required information MAY NEVER BE FILLED OUT.
For reference, Here’s the Eventbrite page that explains the change: https://www.eventbrite.com/l/order-forms-post-checkout/
Note, the page was published in November 2023 and there’s a FAQ that clearly says you cannot revert to the old checkout process.
After speaking with Eventbrite, the good news is that many of their customers are complaining about this change. I also learned that sales and support were blindsided by this change and were unaware of how it worked or how it would affect their customers.
This is a dealbreaker for our business. This checkout process change not only affects integrations, it causes huge problems for us including GDPR/CCPA compliance issues and other business-critical issues that were solved by requiring custom questions in the old product.
In the new Eventbrite Checkout Product, they actually DO COLLECT names and emails of every attendee but THEY DON’T share that information with the organizer. They use it to send email reminders to the attendee to fill out their information, which they can choose not to do! This is unacceptable for our use case as we need that data for pre-event analytics, sales, sponsorship information, compliance information, etc.
Fortunately we sell enough tickets on EB that they are listening to us and we have “commercial support”.
What’s clear to me after discussions with Eventbrite is that this product change was not well managed or well thought out, nor was it communicated effectively internally to their staff. Not to mention the fact that no real communication around this significant breaking change was communicated to Eventbrite customers.
All I can say to those affected is that you need to let Eventbrite know how you feel. They are a public company and customer sentiment and revenue count. Call them, email them, let them know. Clearly the management team didn’t understand the impact of this change.
Eventbrite has offered our company the ability to go back to the old version. I’ve explained that it must be put in writing since they are obviously are having issues with customer communication.
Last, another deal breaker issue that we are negotiating on is the passing of facebook and google pixel data. Eventbrite is building their own ad platform and has recently stopped sending this data.
Kudos to the Zapier team for their great support.
Shout out to our Commercial Team at Eventbrite as well. Though they were inexplicably blindsided by this change, they’ve been quick to respond and transparent about what’s happening.
I just spoke with Eventbrite about this issue and have an update for those affected by it:
We have run this up the chain with Eventbrite management. As most here know, this “info requested” issue is part of a breaking product change that was conceived last year and went live more broadly within the last month.
It’s important to note that this Info Requested issue isn’t just a delay that can be fixed by pausing integrations. The new checkout process allows tickets to be purchased and the required information MAY NEVER BE FILLED OUT.
For reference, Here’s the Eventbrite page that explains the change: https://www.eventbrite.com/l/order-forms-post-checkout/
Note, the page was published in November 2023 and there’s a FAQ that clearly says you cannot revert to the old checkout process.
After speaking with Eventbrite, the good news is that many of their customers are complaining about this change. I also learned that sales and support were blindsided by this change and were unaware of how it worked or how it would affect their customers.
This is a dealbreaker for our business. This checkout process change not only affects integrations, it causes huge problems for us including GDPR/CCPA compliance issues and other business-critical issues that were solved by requiring custom questions in the old product.
In the new Eventbrite Checkout Product, they actually DO COLLECT names and emails of every attendee but THEY DON’T share that information with the organizer. They use it to send email reminders to the attendee to fill out their information, which they can choose not to do! This is unacceptable for our use case as we need that data for pre-event analytics, sales, sponsorship information, compliance information, etc.
Fortunately we sell enough tickets on EB that they are listening to us and we have “commercial support”.
What’s clear to me after discussions with Eventbrite is that this product change was not well managed or well thought out, nor was it communicated effectively internally to their staff. Not to mention the fact that no real communication around this significant breaking change was communicated to Eventbrite customers.
All I can say to those affected is that you need to let Eventbrite know how you feel. They are a public company and customer sentiment and revenue count. Call them, email them, let them know. Clearly the management team didn’t understand the impact of this change.
Eventbrite has offered our company the ability to go back to the old version. I’ve explained that it must be put in writing since they are obviously are having issues with customer communication.
Last, another deal breaker issue that we are negotiating on is the passing of facebook and google pixel data. Eventbrite is building their own ad platform and has recently stopped sending this data.
Kudos to the Zapier team for their great support.
Shout out to our Commercial Team at Eventbrite as well. Though they were inexplicably blindsided by this change, they’ve been quick to respond and transparent about what’s happening.
Thanks for posting this @ModularJack. This is at least something to hold onto that clearly many companies are not happy with this change and hopefully shows Eventbrite the dangers of making such breaking changes without consultation or opt-in. I hope they are listening to the feedback and adjust this, or make it a configurable setting on the order form process, for organisers to choose between a faster checkout vs data collection. You can see the benefits of getting tickets as soon as possible, the problem is it’s been done at the expensive of bypassing any custom questions if an organiser has made a field required, it is needed for a business reason. Eventbrite should not be making a decision to just ignore that.
The premise of their change was clearly driven by increasing their revenue. On the FAQ linked, it mentions paid events, clearly they wanted to move the payment part as early as possible which allows you to get tickets soon after with minimal data, therefore they get their cut of that sale. The problem with doing this, they’ve basically made their custom questions and the required nature of such entirely redundant. I think they’ve not considered how this impacts data capture for organisers and this change has completely made it useless. It breaks any process which takes data from Eventbrite for other systems. Populating “info requested” programatically is an insane thing to do, minimum it should have been null, given that’s a standard way to know about “no data”, but actually having a webhook return “info requested” for a name value? Terrible. If you didn’t know about this, you’ll have a process happily take this data as “valid” and populate your CRM or other system with junk data. Nevermind the fact that the “create attendee” event is now completely useless for being reliable for having just the minimum data of First Name, Last Name and Email for each attendee now.
I submitted a support case with my comments that I posted here on how short sighted this change is for those who use partner/third party integrations. While I represent a large Further Education college in the United Kingdom we do not have commericial support and limited to the free support routes. We do however now pay for the Pro plan for unlimited tickets for free events. That however clearly isn’t enough for Eventbrite to care seemingly.
I am also happy to call Eventbrite out directly, that their changes over the past year have been increasingly hostile to free event organisers and they clearly aren’t considering their partners and integrations in business decisions lately, just as long as their platform allows them to generate as much revenue as possible, forget everyone else. If Eventbrite themselves have been blind sided by this, that’s really concerning for a company that doesn’t know what’s happening within itself.
jamesmacwhite thanks for responding. Great that you logged a ticket. You’re a paying customer, you should get support.
My take is that Eventbrite just made a bad call here and they do seem to be trying to fix it from a sales/support perspective. This might be a good feature for some customers, it should just be opt-in. Hopefully if they receive enough feedback, it will be.
jamesmacwhite thanks for responding. Great that you logged a ticket. You’re a paying customer, you should get support.
My take is that Eventbrite just made a bad call here and they do seem to be trying to fix it from a sales/support perspective. This might be a good feature for some customers, it should just be opt-in. Hopefully if they receive enough feedback, it will be.
I’m yet to hear back after a few days of submitting the case through their contact form, but going through the free support channels these days tends to not have the same response times or SLA unlike commericial clients. To be fair, I’m not really after a response directly, because the damage has been done. I just want to put the point across on pushing such a drastic change to a very important function has had massive implications and they’ve gone too far on their "experiments” when they’ve broken business processes of different organisers.
I’m glad the Eventbrite contacts you have are at least acknowledging they understand the concerns and seem to be listening. My hope is they provide some form of middle ground or opt-out on this, otherwise we absolutely will look for an alternative platform. We value certain data collection aspects over getting a ticket quicker and if Eventbrite think the latter is more important, our objectives no longer align to our business.
If you want to provide further evidence or similar views in your dialogue with Eventbrite support, feel free to quote Case #7722337, that is my contact form submitted detailing many of the points covered here. Let’s hope there’s some positive action on this soon.
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