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Error: Incorrect Product Warehouse ID Value in Baselinker Catalogue Action

  • 2 March 2024
  • 7 replies


I have a strange problem with created ZAP as it is working properly while testing but generating an error when published and triggered. I need to make an action depending on the warehouse ID of the product in Baselinker catalogue. I set the “Only continue if” action to check if the property “Product warehouse ID” is equal to 45387 (this is ID of one of the warehouses). The IF action works well while testing but when I publish it I get a strange value of Product warehouse ID:


 and the IF action is not executing.

Can some one tell me why Zapier get correct warehouse ID of the product from the order in Baselinker in testing mode only and not when published and triggered by the real order?

7 replies

But why in test mode the Warehouse ID of every product is visible for zapier? I doubt something is not properly configured in Baselinker because there is no possibility to assign warehouse ID to the product. It works that way that you create different warehouses and then for every product you can assign the amounts to these warehouses separately. You can additionally put a location of the product in each warehouse which I did and tested if I can filter with that but the result is the same - I see the assigned locations in test mode but when triggered the value is null and the if fails to continue. Please find attached screens of Baselinker configuration, test mode and Zap Run Details.

Baselinker product stocks in different warehouses with different locations (weriba and spolka)
properly read in test mode different product locations for two products from the order
again no field with location in trigger action “New Order in Baselinker”
placeholder instead of the set names (weriba, spolka) of the locations from which the prodcuts were pick up to the order

I can’t understand why the zapier works great in test mode but not when published.

Userlevel 7
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Not ideal, but it is possible for Zap app integrations to return different data points and data payload structures when configuring/testing the Zap VS when the Zap is ON and has live Zap Runs.


I recommend reaching out to BaseLinker Support for possible help in troubleshooting their Zap app integration.

Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves on the Zapier Developer Platform.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @bradzik 

Apps can return different data structures when configuring and testing a Zap vs when a Zap is ON and running live. (not ideal)

Post screenshots with the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger and how your Zap Filter step is configured.

You may need to use custom pill mapping along with this step: Formatter > Text > Default Value



@Troy Tessalone Thank you for your fast reply.

Actually I have this IF in a Loop (looping by all the products from the order) but I don’t think loop is a problem. Please find attached screenshots:

Loop step:

IF Step:

Zap Run Details:

Loop data in
Loop data out
Failed IF

I really appreciate your further support.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post screenshots of the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step from the Zap Run?

@Troy Tessalone you mean this first step?



Further are only other fields with no value.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


In the DATA OUT from the Zap trigger step there was no data point named “Warehouse ID” for the returned array of Products.

Perhaps these products are not properly configured with a Warehouse ID in BaseLinker.



