Discord "Cannot read property 'username' of undefined" error
Hello, I am currently setting up an integration for when members cancel their subscription on Kajabi, this then removes their role within my Discord server to revoke their access to all content.
I am doing this by setting up an automation in Kajabi that when a customer cancels, they receive a specific tag. Then when this tag is applied, Zapier picks up on the Kajabi tag and will remove the role from the Discord user.
However, after connecting both Kajabi & Discord to my Zapier account to create the zap. I am receiving this error code: "Error during execution: Cannot read property 'username' of undefined"
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Hey @RyanRN,
It looks as though you’ve also reached out to our Support Team about this issue and you’ve been added to a bug report about this issue. We’ll be in touch by email as soon as that’s been fixed.
In the meantime, you may be able to workaround this by specifying the username as a Custom value as discussed here:
Hope that helps! :)
Hi, did you find any solution for this? I’m having the same issue. I get the message
“We’re having trouble loading 'User' data (Cannot read property 'username' of undefined)” when I’m trying to add a role on Discord based on new/modified rows on Google Sheet.
Hey @Kathy,
I’m so sorry you’re running into that same “Cannot read property 'username' of undefined” error here. I’ve added you to the list of affected users which helps to increase its priority. I don’t have an ETA on when it would be resolved but we will send an email notification to you as soon as it is.
Until then, it’s been reported that selecting the username using the Custom value option to specify the User’s ID instead should help to get around the error in the meantime. :)
Hi @SamB
I’ve been having this issue for more than 3 months now and haven’t get any solution. How much more time do I need to wait? It’s frustrating to read that there’s no ETA. I got the premium subscription to be able to do this type of integrations, you should put on your website that this integration is not working fine.
Hey @Kathy,
I’m so sorry you’re running into that same “Cannot read property 'username' of undefined” error here. I’ve added you to the list of affected users which helps to increase its priority. I don’t have an ETA on when it would be resolved but we will send an email notification to you as soon as it is.
Until then, it’s been reported that selecting the username using the Custom value option to specify the User’s ID instead should help to get around the error in the meantime. :)
I also tried doing this and selecting custom, but I get this message:
We’re having trouble loading 'User' data (Cannot read property 'username' of undefined)
Hey @Kathy,
This sounds really frustrating, I’m very sorry about that. I checked on the bug report again but it’s still open at present. I really wish I could give a better indication of how long it will take for this issue to be fixed, I know how difficult it is when Zaps aren’t working as expected. :(
I’ve passed your comments here about flagging issues with integrations on the website over to the relevant teams. While I can’t promise anything specific all feedback is considered when looking at making improvements to the messaging on our website.
When you tried selecting the custom option got the error again, did it appear in red text under User field? Or did it present itself when you attempted to test the step?
If it just appeared under the User field, then it looks like it should be possible to ignore that error message and click the Continue button to continue and test the step: In which case, can you try clicking that Continue button to see if that allows you to then test the Discord step?
It gives you this error: {"user_id": "Value \"Username\" is not snowflake."]} And this action event is for adding roles in Discord
Hey @ZapperMan, welcome to the Community!
Thanks for letting us know, I’m really sorry that didn’t work as hoped. I’ve added you to the list of affected users too. We’ll be in touch by email as soon as it’s sorted. :)
I have a update for this. It appears that the error is caused because instead of grabbing the inputted/grabbed username data it is grabbing the variable name and using that as the username. Let me explain this better.
It grabs the username of the message/reaction and stores it in a variable.
Instead of grabbing the variable value it is grabbing the variable name.
I tried it with mentions:
i sent a new message mentioning someone
i selected that in the test trigger thing that puts the variable values in the variables
set everything to that and the username to mentions username
it still does the same thing as before where it just grabs the variable name not the variable value
Interesting! I’ve passed your feedback along to the team. Thanks so much for sharing this, @Clyde!
Any new on the bug?
Hi there, @Axasts! Thanks for checking in and welcome to the community!
No updates to to share at the moment but I did add you to the list of impacted users. We’ll keep you in the loop via email once there’s a fix in place. We’ll also be sure to keep this thread updated so feel free to follow along here.
We are facing the same problem and have submitted a ticket. Very unfortunate that nothing seems to have been done regarding this problem for 3 months. If this is not fixed we will definitely not purchase a plan but look somewhere else to find an integration that actually works.
I am getting this error as well. @christina.d @SamB this is a major issue for us.
Yup, same deal. I think if Zapier can get Kajabi integrated with Discord in a meaningful way, it will be a full on game changer. We’ll be able to easily gamify the experience for our members who can trigger access to various roles in our discord communities.
Please add me to the list of eager Kajabi Users who need Zapier to save the day.
Hey @UNA, @setsnzaps and @FlyRyde!
I’m really sorry you’re still being affected by this issue. @UNA and @setsnzaps, it looks as though our Support team have already added you both to the list of affected users. @FlyRyde, I’ve added you to that list as well.
I don’t have any timeline I can share for when this will be resolved but we’ll be sure to email all of you and will post an update here once it’s been resolved! :)
I am also having this issue trying to assign Discord roles based on my MemberPress members and getting the same error…
Please add me to the list. I am sure ANYONE who is trying to use this integration is having this issue...since the zap has no idea where to get that ID.
Thanks for reaching out here, @OverlandGeeks. I’ve added you to the list as well. We’ll be in touch as soon as it’s been sorted.
Hi there. I am also having this issue and receiving the below error message:
{"user_id": "Value \"natashahoskins\" is not snowflake."]}
Do you have an ETA on when this bug will be resolved? Or a work around we could try?
I just paid for the woocommerce zapier plugin. And now I can’t even use it. I’m getting the same snowflake issue.
Also I’m trying to set up product specific roles, if anybody can help with this
Hey @Boysclub and @ApexTraders!
I’m so sorry you’re both running into this issue as well. There isn’t an another workaround or estimate on when this will be resolved that I can share here unfortunately. I’ve added you both to the list of affected users so we’ll definitely be in touch by email the minute it’s been sorted.
Having the exact same issue …… wish zapier could do something about it seeing so many users are facing the same issue
I’m so sorry you’re running into this issue as well, @sam9s! :(
I’ve added you to the list of affected users. I still don’t have an ETA on when it will be resolved but we’ll email you to let you know as soon as it is! :)