
ChatGPT error: [invalidimageformat] You uploaded an unsupported image.

  • 22 January 2024
  • 5 replies

I have a large amount of images in my Google Drive that I need a short text description of. 

Therefore I tried to create a zap with Google sheet where I added the links to the image. 


Whenever a new row is added - analyze the image.


I have created the Chat GPT API and added 5$. 

I also have Chat GPT Plus

I have also made the files accessible to anyone

The images are in jpg and about 1MB in size.


Still, I receive the same error every time:

Failed to create an image content analysis in ChatGPT

[invalid_image_format] You uploaded an unsupported image. Please make sure your image is below 20 MB in size and is of one of the following formats: ['png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'web'].



Can you help?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @midorimiab 

Can you post screenshots with how your Zap step is configured to give us full context.

The error indicates an invalid file format.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The link needs to be a publicly accessible direct download link.

Try this tool to get the right link format:


Cool, thanks. It worked. 

Are there any way to get my google links to be correct from the very beginning? Without using that extra step?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The links are coming from the GSheet, so the links added to the GSheet would need to be input in the correct format.
