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I am getting errors/issues connecting ACT! To Zapier. I have tried many different settings and credentials to connect IE: default database or the other 2. None work. No popups come up and my account is admin with full permission. I can login to ACT! just fine in I did create Zaps for my old act account a couple years ago and the zaps in there are for that. I did delete the old ACT! connection. Trying to connect ACT! to salesmate and will also need to connect ACT! to gravity forms. Attached some screen shots.



The only other thing I can think to try may be this:

Hi there, I wanted to pop in and share a potential troubleshooting steps that were shared in the ticket to try in addition to some of the common problems FAQ above:

Based on our internal notes, we need to ensure that your database is not locked. To do this, follow these instructions in Act!

Login to the database as an Administrator user
Click the Tools menu, then click Database Maintenance
Click Lock/Unlock Database…
Click Unlock

I hope this gets ya’ll back on track! 🙂


Hey there, @mikepoling! Sorry to hear you’re running into this and appreciate you detailing the steps you took to troubleshoot. 😔

The only other thing I can think to try may be this:

That said, if you’ve already given that a shot I can see you were able to open a ticket with my teammates in support - which is perfect. It might be worth waiting for them to dig in a bit further with you on this. They’ll have access to view your logs and see what the root cause of this could be.

Thanks so much for reaching out and please keep us in the loop with your findings!