I use a specific Zoom feature that allows to record audio, active speaker, gallery view and shared screen separately.

I set up a zap that should trigger on a New Recording in Zoom. I need to write in a Google Spreadsheet specific parameters of the new recording as follows:

When I test the zap it works perfectly, and I get the following items in RecName row:
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic - gallery_view
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic - shared_screen
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic - audio_only
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic - active_speaker
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic - shared_screen_with_speaker_view
i.e. all attributes of the new recording are retrieved and written to the Spreadsheet correctly (Start Time - Topic - Recording Files Recording Type).
But when the zap triggers I get the last attribute (Recording Files Recording Type) missing:
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic -
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic -
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic -
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic -
2021-01-06T13:00:51Z - Meeting topic -
I tried to put a 1 minute delay between trigger and action, but it doesn’t help