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We’ve used Zapier to successfully apply tags in AC, but now we want to READ the tag already in AC so we can then go and add that contact to Zoom as a webinar registrant.

Can’t seem to get Zapier filters to read the relevant tag… despite it being active for several test users in AC.

How should this filter be set up in Zapier? Wondering if it’s to do with “Exactly matches” or something??

Hi @TiB 

Check out this help article for Filter Types:

If an AC Contact has 1+ Tags, then the Filter operator for exactly matches won’t work as expected.

Perhaps post screenshot of examples with how your Zap steps are configured with real data.


Maybe try this AC Zap Trigger


Hi @TiB 

If you use ActiveCampaign > find contact action, you should be able to see the tags associated with the contact. However tags can be just the IDs and not the actual names. So you may need to use the Id in the filter.

If you can share what information you get from the previous action/trigger before the filter step in a few screenshots that’d be really helpful to investigate.

Hi @TiB 

Check out this help article for Filter Types:

If an AC Contact has 1+ Tags, then the Filter operator for exactly matches won’t work as expected.

Perhaps post screenshot of examples with how your Zap steps are configured with real data.


Maybe try this AC Zap Trigger


Thanks Troy.

Hmmm, seems like we need “contains” for tags rather than “exactly matches” based on what you’re saying?

Most of our contacts in AC have multiple tags…

Warrick @ TiB




Yes, if the AC Contacts have multiple Tags, then you will need to use the ‘contains’ operator.



value: brown fox

Note: this filter is not case sensitive.

If your field is "The quick brown fox," the Zap will go through because the field contains the value.

If your field is "jumps over the lazy dog," the Zap will not continue to the next step because the field does not contain the value.

Thanks @Troy Tessalone 

Will give that a shot!

Ok @Troy Tessalone I’m still baffled… changed it to “contains” but when it pulls test data it isn’t finding the 1 contact with the test tag applied already.

Even when I make the Zap live, it doesn’t pick up the contact with that tag applied and run the Zap to add them to Zoom.


Any ideas on what I’m missing here?

I don’t understand why it’s showing an irrelevant tag (“memberpress-active”)

I’ve tried pulling new test contacts but it’s the same



What is your Zap trigger?

Help article about changing the Zap trigger data:

Best to provide screenshots of the actual data and Zap step configurations.



Alternatively, you can configure an AC Automation that triggers when the desired AC Tag is applied and send a Webhook that would trigger the Zap.


@Troy Tessalone the trigger is “New or Updated Contact” but that only gives the option of “List”.

I suspect this might be the issue… there’s no option to trigger based on tag.



Might try the webhook option and see if that’s more robust.