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I’m just new in using Zapier, I’ve been trying to research and watch some tutorial, but I just couldn’t get what proper prompt/zap I should make. 

Here is my problem.

I have an email list in a spreadsheet, it has categories like Production Company, Professional Services, Commercial, etc. I just want to automate all of the emails from google sheets and to be added to our Mailchimp that has its own specific tags. 


Like this for example, I want to add all of our email list to its specific tag to be an audience in our Mailchimp.

Is it possible? To have multiple categories/tags to be automated to mailchimp and add its specific tag?

I have a solution but, I need to make like specific sheets for its category, and I don’t have enough zaps to make it all.

Please kindly help me.



That depends on your defined project requirements.

Best to outline specific examples for us to understand the inputs and desired outputs/results.

Also provide screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured to give us context.

Will it be possible by just using one Zap? Then automate all of the list in the spreadsheet


Yes, it’s possible.

Hi Troy, 

Thank you so much for noticing my post. 

So our email list will be updated from time to time from GSheet, we just want to know if it is possible to automate our email list to be added to our Mailchimp to its own specific tags, because we have a lot of tags/categories that we need to filter our with out MailChimp subscribers. 

Thanks Troy!

Hi @rcapule 

Good question.

If this is a one time import, then you’d be better served using a manual import into Mailchimp.

Otherwise we need a better understanding of how data is being added to the GSheet. (manually, via a form, or via another automation.)

FYI: Zaps work while ON for new data going forward.