Hi guys,
I have a Zap I am not sure how to create. We have a DB in Notion of certain items which correspond to emails sent in Gmail. So email sent in gmail with a specific subject creates a entry in that database with the body of the email that was sent + the email address of the recepient + First and last name.
What I want to do is to automatically update a specific entry based on a reply to a specific email.
Email 1 sent to person A with email abc@test.com with body X
Notion DB item Y is created with these criteria based on the emails subject as it is predictable.
One week later I follow up with email 1a because of no reply. I need zapier to know to update Notion DB Item Y with additional email 2 that was sent.
This should happen for each email that gets sent out from gmail with a specific subject.
So for example email 2 to person B with body Z would create notion DB item W. following up with 2a email would update the body of notionDB body W and so on.
Is this feasible?