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I want to create a board item through slack channel message. In slack the message format is like: Caller Name: Lorem ipsum
Client Name: Self
Phone Number: 999-999-999
Referred by: Google

and in Monday I want to create an item as break caller name and put it into a separate column called “Caller Name” and same with Client Name sync with another column “Client” and so on.


Is there any way we can do this using zapier integration, Please suggest?


Hi @asimon 

Check out the available help article mentioned in the error message:


Hi Troy,




After your suggestion, I started creating ZAP. While making ZAP I don’t know how to handle phone number field come from slack, how to format that according to monday phone field.

Received following error:

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Hi @asimon 

The simpler but more Task heavy way would be to use a series of Formatter step:

The most efficient but advanced way would be to use a Code step: