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Typeform trigger - responses with "Other" content and filtering action for certain responses

  • 28 June 2021
  • 1 reply


I’ve set up a Zap to put Typeform responses into a Google Sheets doc.  This all works, apart from where I have the option of ‘other’ in the questions, I have selected the (other) response but nothing appears on the sheet when something is entered there. 

I also wanted to set up a Zap so that people would be added to Action Network when they do the form on Typeform - I can do this but it will only let me add anyone who has filled out the form, instead of just the people who answered that they would like to be subscribed to the mailing list. 

Any ideas??

Thank you!


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @KayMC 


I also wanted to set up a Zap so that people would be added to Action Network when they do the form on Typeform - I can do this but it will only let me add anyone who has filled out the form, instead of just the people who answered that they would like to be subscribed to the mailing list. 

Try adding a Filter as Step 2 of your Zap:


I’ve set up a Zap to put Typeform responses into a Google Sheets doc.  This all works, apart from where I have the option of ‘other’ in the questions, I have selected the (other) response but nothing appears on the sheet when something is entered there. 

I'm missing answers to multiple choice questions

If you have a multiple choice question and it includes the "other" option:


you will have to map an additional field in order to make sure you capture responses that used that option.

Typeform treats it like a different response than those that used the given options. An easy way to figure out what you have to add is to take the regular response (from one of the given choices) and change the word "choice" to "other".

So if the sample data showed this (list_29962036_choice) you can paste this wherever you need it and it will create the field:

{% verbatim %} {{insert-zap-id-here__list_29962036_other}} {% endverbatim %}

You can find the Zap ID in your browser's address bar:
